Is there a source for user project logical presets and midi logical presets?
I’ve managed to create a few myself using the editor. An example of a selfmade preset I use is transpose +/-12 applied to selected midi. The logic editor is a such powerful tool for workflow, in particular the project logical ones, and I would like to get inspired by looking at user made presets. Any source out there?
I think the best way to get inspired is to look at the ones that come with the sequencer. By the way, the crew that invented Cubase, VST plugins and a much of the technology of the VST spec still are with Steinberg- their names are on the about splash page in the program, and a few participate here, even though this is technically a user to user board.
For the PLE, I use the visibility presets a lot, and have a few of my own, but the factory presets are well done- Naming tracks, including with the date.
Macros are also useful with and without PLE or LE presets.I just made a couple for when I’m recording alone, which are triggered using a Logidy 3 switch foot pedal:
The most interesting Logical Editor presets for are those in the Musical Context folder. You can test for intervals, note order in chords, scales, etc. Using that I made a bunch to select intervals within chords- this is without using the chord track.
My go-to presets are ones I’ve made are for simple functions like adding to note length without leaving the alpha keyboard. One can get pretty fast when one gets the into the habit of using, and remembering the keystrokes.
8th Add.xml
8th Subtract .xml
16th add.xml
16th Subtract .xml
Chord: Move down one inversion.xml
Chord: Move up one inversion.xml
Open this file, then choose cubase, then logical edit. not all are probably useful to you, but choose what you wish and be happy that someone else…a composer did this for you. (341 KB)