Spacing Bars - Making All Bars Same Size - Help

I tried to dig the forum for the solution but without success.
I’m composing for a big band (16 players), and I’m facing bars width problems.
Any bar has a different size. How can I fix it? I mean a solution that dowsn’t inculde manually action like going to Engrave mode and start to pushing handels…

For example:


In this example, it looks like there’s just a few too many bars on this page to fit comfortably. Some bars are quite squished horizontally because of the limited horizontal space overall, and the fact that some bars (e.g. 2-3 on this page in the drum set part) require a certain amount of space that can’t be compressed, causing space compression elsewhere to accommodate.

Do you have a fixed casting off setting, or have you perhaps manually controlled system breaks? The staff size can also play a role, although that looks about OK for the page size.

Thanks for your respond Lillie
I need it to be at least 7/8 bars on the full score. I set it to 8 in the casting off setting.
didn’t use system breaks.

I want to make it seem like this PDF I have

Ah, is that original source formatted to fit 2 systems on each page? (assuming portrait orientation)

If so, reducing the staff size a bit to allow for 2 systems on each page will also let up to 8 bars fit more comfortably in the available width, as everything will be a bit smaller.

Every bar should be a different size, if it has different note values in it.

Reduce staff size
make page horizontal
Make layout uniform with 8 bars per page

Nestico’s Hayburner, I recognize that one! In those hand copied scores, the barlines often were drawn evenly before the music was copied. Even spacing where every bar is the same width isn’t a desirable thing with engraved music. Obviously it has to look better than your original post, but Lillie and searchforanswer have already given the answers on how to fix that.

BTW, you can set the clef for Baritone Sax to show in Bass clef when in Concert pitch if you want so you don’t have to deal with the ledger lines.

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Dear all, I know it’s not desirable, but for a specific part I’m writing I need to have 4 bars per staff, exactly of the same size, regardless of the musical values included. How can I achieve that?
Many thanks for your help
Best regards

Set a fixed casting off of 4 bars per system, and adjust the note spacing to an appropriate ratio (I can’t remember off the top of my head what that is for proportional note spacing, but try searching the forum for “proportional note spacing” and I’m sure you’ll encounter some tips).

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2 if I remember correctly.



I need to make all these measures the same size. Many of them don’t contain notes or rests and are being extremely compressed. I have set casting off to 4 bars per system.


I think that is your problem. Without notes or rests Dorico cannot calculate spacing.

There’s a Layout Option to not show bar rests, if you never want to show bar rests. If you need them sometimes then you’ll need some sort of hack, such as scaling them down and colouring them white, or using hidden whole notes in place of rests.

If there are no notes in a bar and you remove the bar rest, Dorico has nothing to space. Remove rests is designed for removing rests in additional voices, not the primary voice.

Thank you!
I see. Is there a way to simply hide rests?

Aside from the ways I’ve already suggested, no.

Scale them to 1% (custom scale is amongst the first properties, first column). That should already do. And if needed, the colour property is below :wink:
As Pianoleo suggested, of course.

You could enter a whole note - hide it (engrave mode> hide notehead) and suppress playback.

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Thank you all! Scaling them down worked perfectly for what I’m doing.

I know I’m kind of a niche user, but to be honest uniform measure-widths is a really important thing in music education settings. Many of us are creating worksheets and exercises where different measure-widths for each measure are very visually cluttered and confusing to young students.

I would love a simple way to achieve uniform measure widths even when I can’t specify an exact number of measures on each system.

Welcome @e.drew

Hopefully not that niche, but I’ll grant you that education worksheets are a special case that demands different rules from “a page of music”.

I’m sure the Dorico team have got worksheets on their (very large) list of things to cater to; but in the mean time there may be some ‘workarounds’ that can help, depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

Using a scaling factor of 2 can help, certainly, as can judicious use of Flows and Frames.