Spectral Layer 11 Pro not upating in VEGAS Pro 21

In VEGAS PRO 21, I right-click the audio file and go into SL 11. When I make changes and try und update the file I find there are no changes made back in VEGAS. I have a desktop Windows 10 PC, fast processor and 64GB memory. Can anyone help please, what am I doing wrong?

I don’t own Sony Vegas, so I can’t confirm, but your problem reminds me of of a very similar problem in DaVinci Resolve, see this post.
Maybe instead using the function “Update Host File”, you can try to “Export Mixdown” your edit from SpectraLayers as a completely new file and rename it as the original exchange file.


Hi Laturec and thank you for getting back to me so promptly. Yes what I have done to get round this is to use ‘Export Mixdown’ and save the file. Then I can bring it back into VEGAS and replace the audio. This works but really is far to complex and time consuming. Does anyone else have an issue? I have looked at the messages regarding DaVinci Resolve.

Hi again, still having the same issue. If I use Sound Forge Pro as my audio editor in preferences, when I right click and open a copy it all works fine. The updated audio is returned to VEGAS Pro. If I use Spectral Layers Pro 11 and right click and open a copy, there are no changes made in VEGAS Pro. What I have to do is 'open it in Spectral Layers, not a copy, make changes and then ‘Export Mixdown’ to save the updated audio file (wave). I then have to bring this into VEGAS Pro and swap in the audio. It works but it is very long-winded. So can anyone suggest what is happening here. I seem to remember that when using Spectral Layer 7 and then Spectral Layers 10, I did not have these issues. However, then I was probably using VEGAS Pro 18 or earlier, so might this be an issue? All suggestions most welcome please.

There’s a similar issue with DaVinci Resolve. After investigation, SpectraLayers is properly updating the modification time of the file, but DaVinci Resolve expected the creation time to be changed, which is malpractice. Maybe they changed something in Vegas Pro 19/20/21 and it doesn’t look at the modification time anymore.
I still have some contacts with the Vegas team back from the Sony/Magix days, I’ll get in touch with them about it.


I hope they introduce ARA.

Hello and thank you Robin. If you can follow this up then that would be greatly appreciated, meanwhile I will try to post on the VEGAS Fortum. Meanwhile I may try reverting to Spectral Layers Pro 10 to see if that works, but a retrograde step!!.

Hi once again,
I have sent a ticket to Steinberg about this but have had no reply in two weeks, so are they putting their heads in the sand and hope I will go away? Any further comments or updates would be appreciated. I also sent a ticket the MAGIX about this and basically they said ‘see what Steinberg say’, so that was of zero help.

@rh1 Once again, for the sake of clarity: this is not a SpectraLayers issue and there’s no need to send a ticket to Steinberg (it would eventually end up to me anyway), it is a Vegas issue, for the reasons I explained in the post above:

Have you forwarded that explanation and request to fix to MAGIX ? On my side I did, but didn’t hear back from them.

@rh1 I have both SL11 and still use Vegas Pro 18. If you want to post a repro (step-by-step) I’d be happy to try it out with Vegas Pro 18. If it works OK there, then that would be conclusive proof that some change in Vegas Pro 19/20/21 caused the issue.

As Robin has pointed out, this is not a SpectraLayers issue, but you could post the results, along with Robin’s explanation, over on the Vegas forum. Some of the Vegas devs visit there.

Hello MrSoundman and thank you for getting back to me.

I have posted the issue on the VEGAS Forum but have not had any replies. What you say may make sense. I still have VEGAS Pro 18 on my system before I upgraded to VEGAS Pro 21. It is some while ago but I can’t remember having the same issue. I have just completed a long project in VEGAS Pro 21, so I will go back to VEGAS Pro 18 and start a short project and see if Spectral Layers Pro 11 works. I also have Spectral Layers Pro 10 so I might try that as well. It may take a few days, probably next week, and I will get back to you with the result.

Thanks again.


Hello again Mr Soundman,

I have been doing some tests and thought I would give you an update.

In VEGAS 18, SL10 worked fine and SL11 seemed OK as well, but it was only a small project with only a few short clips. In VEGAS 21, SL10 seemed to work fine but again it was only a small project of three short clips, so I need to test on something larger. SL11 still will not update, so is there something with SL11 that conflicts with VEGAS 21? I need to do more testing to check out things fully.

Can you please try SL11 with VEGAS 18 on a project and tell me how it goes.

Thanks and best regards


I’m afraid I don’t use SL inside of Vegas 18, so can you tell me what you would like me to try (and how)? You have SL11 and Vegas 18, can you describe, step by step, what needs to be done to reproduce the issue?

Can you post a link to that here too, please?

Hi everyone, The latest upgrade to Spectral Layers Pro 11 (11.0.50 Build 402) seems to have solved the issue with VEGAS Pro 21, but I will do some more testing to check this out. Perhaps this will also solve the issue with Davinci Resolve, but others will need to comment on this.