Spitfire audio LABS not working in Cubase

I have downloaded Spitfire audio LABS and it doesn’t seem to work in Cubase.
I want to set different virtual instruments from LABS to each Cubase track, but things are mixed up.
For example, I have selected moon guitar for my Guitar track and moved on to selecting strings for my Violin track.
Then when I press the play button, I can hear nothing but the strings . The moon guitar is not working.
When I click my Guitar track, it shows strings(!) as its virtual instrument(Please see the picture below).

Can anyone help me on this matter?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @pjsoo27,

are you using one Spitfire player instance per Cubase track and LABS instrument, or one instance for all tracks?

And did you make sure that each LABS instrument is being addressed via its distinct MIDI channel?
just tested by:

  • creating 4 instrument tracks and one Spitfire player instance with each
  • setting MIDI channels: 1 - 4 in track inspector, MIDI CHAny” in all Spitfire player instances
  • choosing LABS Sounds: Soft Piano, Moon Guitar 01, Bowed Bass, Percussion.
  • recording some MIDI events per track via master keyboard

Seems to be working well, so far.


As above. You need a separate instance of labs per instrument. It’s not multitimbral like Halion. I’ve been using it in Cubase for a couple of years now and only had one problem which was resolved.

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Yes I was testing with the two tracks mentioned above(Guitar, Violin), and I have set distinct midi channels as in the picture below.
Meanwhile, It seems that the midi channel setting has been changed on its own for the Guitar track when I changed the Violin track.

For example,
I’ve set midi channel “1” for the Guitar track
→ I’ve set midi channel “2” for the Violin track
→ It seems that the midi channel “2” is set for the Guitar track in the LABS window (!)


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You don’t need separate midi channels if they are two instances and on separate tracks. You don’t even need to think about midi channels if separate instances.

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Following your advice, I selected “Any” for the separate tracks as below.

And I have selected different virtual instruments for each track, like this.

  • Guitar: Moon guitar
  • Violin: Strings

But they end up playing the same virtual instruments as follows…

  • Guitar: Strings(!)
  • Violin: Strings

Any advice on this problem would be highly welcome.


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Why are you using midi tracks and not instrument tracks? I can’t tell from the picture what you have aimed your midi tracks at. I would creat an instrument track with labs and select the sound you want and then create another instrument track with labs and select the 2nd sound you want. Move the midi you have recorded onto the correct instrument track.

Now if you mean you are playing a keyboard and both are playing then yes they will if both are record enabled

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Hi @pjsoo27,

thanks for your screenshots.

I think that I can confirm that things are exactly as Mark / @mkok says:

  • please use single (per-instrument track) instances of the Spitfire plug-in.
    Ideally in an entirely new project, as this one already seems to be a bit “over-edited”.

here’s a discussion at the Spitfire community website about a possibly multi-timbral Spitfire plug-in to be released - perhaps some time in the future. Yet one can sense how reluctant the company admin seems to be, as there would probably be no real advantages (nowadays, since things were quite different about 20 years ago, when CPU performance and system RAM were much more limited):

Request: Multi Timbral Use of the Spitfire Plugin [Solved] — Spitfire Audio

When using any LABS instrument here I load it as an Instrument Track .

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