Split screen and tabs for multiple projects

I’m discovering the split screen and tabs functions and I think they work fantastic, I’ve always been missing something like this in my previous notation software. One thing I haven’t been able to figure out is whether it’s possible to view two different projects in one split screen (which was about the only thing my previous software actually did manage). I do a lot of arrangements and I like to have the original and the arrangement next to each other for easy copy/pasting. I use an external display whenever possible so I can just put the two projects on their own screen, but I also work a lot from my laptop only. Using the Windows split screen option doesn’t work because it’s not possible to fit the Dorico window on half my screen, even when closing the side panels.

Related but not related: I’ve also been thinking about using Flows for arrangements, so entering the original in flow 1 and creating the arrangement in flow 2. However I don’t know whether that might create issues for larger works and it will get messy when you’re arranging a piece that has multiple movements.

When I want to use split screen in that way, I usually bring up my reference file as PDF rather than encumbering Dorico with it. I don’t expect to be editing the reference file, so PDF for that works fine.


I don’t edit the reference file but I will be copying from it when making an arrangement. That’s a bit hard to do from a pdf :wink:

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Using multiple flows should work easily if the instrumentation is the same. And even if it differs, it’s not too hard to sort out. The split screen saves you switching project windows to copy & paste. You’ll have to turn off “follow score for playback” so you don‘t lose your place.

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