Splitting an audio event before the Snap Point put the new Snap Point at the end of the event

My apologies, I’ve lost my temper here.

I don’t know either if it’s the expected operation, but there is for sure some real issues behind this.

I have found out about this “issue” when I got some weird behavior when toggling Musical Mode when the Snap Point was dragged and released from beyond the event’s end. There is some kind of internal offset, and this issue is directly related.
By any chance, when you’re doing the repro sequence just above, can you make one or two more splits before Bar 3, then try toggling Musical Mode ? The events should drift away.

If you have a moment, I would really appreciate you to investigate it. This is a very serious issue but it still hasn’t been reported to Steinberg yet. Here is the link to it : Enabling musical mode causes events with Snap Points at the end to be moved away

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