SSL UF8 Playing Midi Notes when VI activated

I have tried to figure this out and can’t. I have two SSL UF8’s that work flawlessly all the time except when I have a VI activated. As soon as I have a VI activated, whenever I hit any button or fader on the UF8 it plays a MIDI note in the open VI. As soon as I select an audio track, goes back to normal.

I am assuming that its because the UF8 uses MIDI to communicate, but not sure.

Help please…

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Disable the SSL MIDI Input Port in the “All MIDI Inputs” in the Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Ports Setup, please.

Not working for me on SSL UF1 control surface. I am still getting A6 and A#6 playing a Piccolo sound regardless of which MIDI track is selected, whenever I press Play and Stop, and other MIDI sounds play when other keys are pressed on the UF1.
Screenshot below of Cubase MIDI Input page:

Anything else I have missed?


Ensure, your Picolo track is using the All MIDI Inputs. Isn’t it using a dedicated (SSL) MIDI Input Port by any chance?

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Actually, turns out it was Sibelius also running in the background, so I disabled the SSL MIDI input ports in Sibelius Preferences: