Is it just me, or is it no longer possible to have staccato AND tenuto marking on a note at the same time? I’m pretty sure this was possible before, but now Dorico (3.1) seems to treat it as mutually exclusive…
There is a combined articulation for this, unless you have changed the defaults for some reason.
It’s been a separate combined articulation since Dorico 1.0
On Windows, English keyboard, it’s Shift-3.
Ah, of course. THanks!
Ah, of course (duh!). THanks!
Can anyone let us know how to find this combined articulation on Mac? Thanks in advance.
Oh, just found it: in the lower right corner of the notes panel. (Duh.)
Shift+4, if my memory serves me well.
It depends what language your keyboard is operating in. It’s Shift-\ here on mac, using English keyboard shortcuts.
Sorry, but why exactly is this a combined articulation? Wouldn’t it be much much better to have the system be smart enough allow the user to stack stac and ten. when the user presses both basic key commands? This works for stac and accent - why not also for this?
I think because it is faster to switch from Staccato to tenuto o viceversa (only one click) and this procedure is more common than using Staccato and tenuto together. For every option only one click. With your suggestion you need 2 clicks.
Staccato and tenuto refer mostly on the length of the note. Accent refers to the intensity and attack strength, so it is good to be able to add accent here and there after having added the needed Staccato.
Sure. I’m not sure why clicks are preferable. I much prefer using the key commands in which an additional press is a negligible amount of effort. This seems much less user friendly than Sibelius.
Every from me called “click” is meant and possible also as shortcut. So you have one shortcut for staccato, one for tenuto and one for staccato+tenuto all very near on your keyboard. Not exactly
sure what is here not user friendly. Please make an example.