Staff groups

Great news that we can now use group names along with staff names.

One question since I can’t seem to find the answer :
Is it possible to get rid of the bracket for certain groups only ?
I have a case in which I would need to have no bracket on group 1 and 5 (but I do need the number, so an empty group name is not an option)



No, it’s all or nothing when it comes to the brackets, I’m afraid.

it’s going to be a lot of pdf editing then.
Too bad.

Thanks for your answer Daniel

We can look into adding some further information about whether a group should show a bracket, but it’s not something we can do right away. In any case, hopefully it’s now less PDF editing overall than not being able to have player group labels in the first place, which was the situation you found yourself in at the start of the day today, Yan?

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Oh yes absolutely !
It’s a really important addition as far as I’m concern.
I was waiting for this feature to be implemented to complete the revision of this piece in Dorico (the original engraving was in Finale).
I can of course do it, the pdf editing will take some time (100 pages) but it’s ok.

Whenever it comes, I’m sure some control over the brackets will be a welcome addition in the future




While we are on the staff group subject…
Would it be possible to log in another request ?
To be able to decide on the text orientation (vertical or horizontal)

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 18.04.19


If the group name is just one space, then nothing shows - not even a bracket.

So you could then do the name as text for those groups.

I’ll see…
The groups are on a different position on every page so may be it’s easier to paste a blank cover on the brackets on every occurrence in the final pdf.

Yes, being able to set the text orientation for the group label is certainly a reasonable request. I’ll make a note!


Any news about this?

No, as yet this is not something we have implemented.