Hi everyone,
I’ve found some similar post but referred to Cubase old versions: is there a way to set the stave(s) name(s) accordingly to relative MIDI part(s) one?; I’m just starting to use the score editor but I didn’t find it yet and it looks like is only possible to set instrument type…
Thank you,
On the old score editor yes, on the new one, no.
I’ve requested this feature and hopefully it will be implemented soon.
HI @GPnicolett, strange kind of improvement, in my opinion…
I would add to your request and I hope it will be taken in consideration for the next upgrade.
Thank you for answering,
The attempt to auto name staves is cool but it misses the fact that many of our templates are not organized by instrument but by articulation. I’ll often have 5-10 tracks devoted only to “violins,” and while I obviously wouldn’t give that to a player I still want a way of seeing in the score editor what midi is on what staff.
HI @GPnicolett, I’m not sure if I understand what you mean but I guess it’s referred in particular to orchestral templates but I could be wrong.
I still have to enter the new score editor ‘concept’ which I suppose to be inspired to Dorico, that I just started to approach…
Yes I’m referring to one use case in orchestral templates where we really need to see the track name in the score editor, but there are no doubt many reasons why we should have the option of having the staff names match up with the track names by default.
I don’t think this is a discussion of “embracing the new approach” as pointing out features of the old one that were lost in the update but are essential for our workflows. Staff names matching track names is definitely one of those essential features.
Use of track names is on our list.
Totally agree
HI @PaulWalmsley ,
this is a good new
Thank you for answering,