Hi helpful Dorico people.
I’ve got a piano score with the five lines on one page and one on a second page. I’m after all six lines on the same page…I’ve visited layouts but can’t seem to get the advice I’ve found to work.
Is there any easy solution?
Many thanks
Could you post your file? You will get answers in minutes …
Or at least a screen capture in Engrave View, with signposts visible.
If you’re using Dorico Pro, you can switch to Engrave mode, select an item in the first bar of the first system, and select an item in the last bar of the last system, and choose Make Into Frame from the buttons in the left-hand panel. That will bring all the music onto the same page.
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Reducing the minimum gap between systems and/or between braced staves for the layout could work too (by encouraging Dorico to recalculate how much music is allowed to fit on the first page).
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