Stave Mnemonic Template?

Does anyone know of an existing template for stave and order of sharps/flats mnemonics (“all cows eat grass”, etc.) in Dorico? I was going to try creating my own but I’m not sure I have the technical know-how in Dorico yet. I know there are a bunch of existing images I could download from the web, but I want to be able to be able to adapt the wording.

Use lyrics (see manual), maybe? I’m not exactly sure I understand what kind of music example or graphic you want to create, can you post an example? BTW, welcome to the forum!

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If this is more of a ‘graphic’ than music, you might do just as well creating basic staves, clefs and key sigs in Dorico, exporting them as a PDF, and then importing into a vector drawing app, like Inkscape, Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator, etc, where you can add the text more freely.

(N.B. Not a photo editing app!)

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Thanks PjotrB!

So, something along these lines:

  • not necessarily with the animals!

Ah, great, thanks - that feels like it might be more within my skillset :laughing:

I’ll give that a go.

Elephants go backwards during February.


You can do it with Lyrics, if you want… :thinking:

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