Changing Edit->Notations->Staff size for every single staff seems a bit tedious for that to be the solution. Is there a way to auto format the size of staves so they fit on the page? I don’t know what to search for because all the words I would use to describe the process in Finale do not give me what I’m looking for. HELP!!!
I would start with Layout Options > Page Setup > Space Size. This will let you change the size of a space for all staves in the layout. (A space is the distance between two lines on a staff, or 1/4 the height of a 5-line staff.)
You could also try using a bigger page size (Layout Options > Page Setup > Page Size).
Is this an XML import? Start with Layout Options, under Page Setup. Set an appropriate page size, then adjust the Space Size [rastral size] to get all those staves to fit on that page size. There are other staff spacing options to set under Layout Options, but start with lowering the Space Size first.
I had the same problem with XML-Imports.
go to Engrave Mode
klick first bar
klick “Create System Break”.
it solved my problem and could maybe help.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, the solution was in the Page Size->Rastral size section of Layout Options.
Thanks, this was a default file with me adding instruments as I go. This was the solution: The Rastral size was set to Size 8 (3.7mm). I selected Size 0 (9.2mm) which of course made things worse… :-s but when I switched it back to Size 8 (3.7mm) everything snapped to a proper size. It wasn’t obvious that this is what would occur, so thanks for pushing my brain to poke at it.
Thanks, but this didn’t work, it just put a SYSTEM BREAK flag over the 1st measure.
You are describing a solution - but for a different problem. Notice that on the posters screenshot all systems have different clefs, so this is the first page of a Full Score layout.