Steinberg download assistant error permissions

Hi, I just got an upgrade to Cubase 11. I redeemed my code in the Install assistant and then wanted to download it. When I click on install this error message appears:
“The download cannot be started because you do not have write permissions on the target directory” … “please choose another directory”

So I tried changing the directory but that doesn’t work. How can I make it work?
I don’t even know how to change the write permissions. Thanks for you Help !

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Hi and welcome to the forum,

Are you on Mac or Windows? What Target directory did you choose?

I am on Windows. I used the default settings for the download. Then I tried more, for example, C:/Program files/Steinberg/Install Assistant. I tried multiple ones but none works.


I’m not Windows user, but my expectation is, Program Files is rather Permission read.

I would try to:

  • Start Steinberg Download Assistant ad administrator.
  • Set the Download folder to Downloads/Steinberg.
  • Try to download the file.

This is a documented problem:

The same link provides a workaround.

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You are answering a thread that is more than a year old and it was about Windows, not Mac.

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And several months later, I can tell you that I’m on mac and having the same problem. This was the only thread that came up when I searched Google with quotes around the error message, so I very much appreciate the posted link if it can help.

WAIT! This is only for installing on an external drive! HoW CoULd YoU?!? lol j/k

i’ve had this problem with installing cubase v13.0.30 and it’s content. Previously installing was no problem.

I fixed it by opening 2 finder tabs, 1 for the download folder (downloads/steinberg/…) and 1 for the folder where the libraries are located.

Then i copied one vstsound file (which was already there, → replace) into the library vstsound folder. Halfway i canceled the process so nothing was changed.

After this, the download assistant could do its work with no problem.

Did this by accident ofcourse.

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I managed it on Windows 11 Home by navigating from Steinberg Download Assistant and making the target folder to drive C:\Users.…\Downloads\Steinberg\WIN64