Steinberg Download Assistant error when installing Dorico 5.1.81

Hi there! Wanted to download the latest Dorico 5.1.81 update and was updating the Download Assistant. When going to download all relevant updates for Dorico 5, I try to download them (in bulk or one at a time) and just get a pop up that says “Error - there was an error when trying to download Dorico 5.1.81 application installer. Try later.” Nothing. No error codes, nothing. Beyond being appalled that the download assistant does not offer specific error codes so to understand exactly what is wrong, Im wondering if anyone has a suggestion. I did try to uninstall and reinstall the download assistant. When I open Dorico 5 and see the update prompt, it takes me to the page where Im invited to manage the download via DL assistant. Appreciate any feedback!


This might not be a direct solution to your problem, but a workaround is downloading the update directly from here.

Exactly same. Tried manually downloading Download manager as had to do that recently. Couldn’t log into their website either

The crazy complex install process with all those programs just for DOrico is not only a horrid UX but seems to be fragile too :frowning:

The 5.1.81 update went okay here. Windows 10, Cubase Pro 12 up to date.

Please see here for the solution:

Read and follow the steps carefully. You will very likely need to add the line:


to the file, as it won’t be there. Don’t assume that because it’s not there, you don’t need to add it – you do.

If after changing this hidden configuration option, quitting and restarting SDA, you still encounter the error, delete the Steinberg folder inside your Downloads folder, and delete the download state file SDA_downloads.json from:

Windows: %LocalAppData%\Steinberg Download Assistant\
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Download Assistant

That should get you back up and running.

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Thank you Daniel, appreciate the tip. 1) My PC (WIN) has been heavily customized and has no built in software to open a “” file. What software would I need to download in order to edit it? 2) For my own curiosity, if there is such a known issue (8plus days for me), why is there no indication by Steinberg as to when we should expect a resolution instead of asking users to go in an manipulate sensitive lines of code? I’m flabbergasted that a company as Steinberg encounters such a problem, especially on such a basic function as a dowloader application that prevents a paid customer from accessing their product, without proactively taking initiatives in communication, even with something as basic as putting a message within the SDA landing page (to be read the times that it actually opens!). Best, Christian

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If you follow the directions that Daniel linked above: Open Steinberg Download Manager then (shift + ctrl + alt + p, you should be prompted with the following dialog:

Click Notepad and Just Once. Add the line:
Save the Notepad file, close Notepad and restart Steinberg Download Manager.

As old as Ipv6 is already, it still has issues across a wide range of applications.

EDIT: I should say, a wide range of applications still have issues dealing with Ipv6

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Ultimately worked with a few additional workarounds, thanks for providing the fix! Would still be a great idea to advertise these known issues on the SDA landing page… Good day to all!

I couldn’t make this work on my Mac Studio macOS 14.7.3.

Can’t update Dorico, can’t update Halion Sonic Instrument, can’t update Media Manager.

How much work did I get done on my music during the few hours that I wasted on this? None.

That’s ok, Finale still works. I have deadlines.

Eventually, I ran all of the manual downloads. So, Dorico 5, Spectral Layers 11 and my instruments all work again but Download Assistant still throws a ton of error messages — who needs this nonsense?

A post was split to a new topic: Update to Pro not working?