Steinberg Download Assistant - Warning (unable to connect to the download manager)


My girlfriend bought me a STARRYPAD DONNER device so that I can use it. However, when opening the “Steinberg Download Assistant” program, I encounter the error in the image and I could not find a solution on the internet. My device is windows10. Can you PLEASE help me solve it?

What do you need/want Steinberg Download Assistant for?
To download what?
You might be better off here, depending on what you want to download.

The SDA is well known for it’s issues.

I downloaded all the necessary programs from here. So I don’t need an assistant?

Nope, you don’t. It will be the exact same result.

While the direct downloads work fine, the Download Assistant is nice because it keeps track of which titles you own and which of those have uninstalled updates.

I’ve seen complaints about the Assistant for awhile, but it has always worked for me. That is until last week I got the same error on a PC that had previously worked fine. But the odd thing is there are 2 PCs on the same LAN - so from the server’s perspective the connection should look the same. But the other PC runs it normally.

This suggests it’s not really related to the network. connection (and also because the manual download works fine). Comparing the PCs the one that fails is on the latest version of Windows 11, where the one that works is still on Windows 10 - where MS says it must forever remain. Maybe it’s related to something in Windows? Are Mac folks seeing problems too?

I resolved this by manually downloading the latest version of the Download Assistant here