Steinberg Download Assistant was unable to connect to the DLM

I downloaded all the parts separately
E licensor control center
activation manager
Steinberg library manager
Steinberg download assistant.

Need to open the last one to continue the process, everytime I do I get “Steinberg Download Assistant was unable to connect to the download manager.
If this error persists, reinstall Steinberg Download Assistant or check if it is blocked by security settings, firewall or antivirus.”

I disabled my firewall and VPN and tried downloading and reinstalling the SDA 4 or five times now, same error message.

Can anyone tell me where Im going wrong?


I am having the same problem… any resolution?

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Welcome to the Broken Download Assistant Club. :grimacing:

I have the same problem… My expire date for the trial of Cubase 14 ends tomorrow. Wanted to upgrade from 13 to 14. Why it was necessary to upgrade the SDA? REGRET THAT I DID (TRIED)…