Steinberg Download Manager update failure

Used the Download Manager for years, never had this happen. Ran it, it gave me an error message that several components were not reachable, sent me to a manual download page. I followed its instructions, downloading each componenet separately, did delete/reinstall for each. This solved some of them, but I’m left with the Asio Driver that will not update to the current version. It tells me it’s located in a network location that is not available. I find no information to help me troubleshoot this and proceed.

You can download the driver installer also from here

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Yes, I did that. But that’s when I got the error message that the file was inaccessible on the network. I can’t remember the exact working. Thanks for any help.

Have you rebooted your machine in the meantime and try to run the installer again?

Yeah, but I’ll try again. Thanks Ulf.

Same problem here. A reboot fixed it with the 5.1.80 installer, but nothing I’ve done has helped me get the 5.1.81 installer going…even a fresh install of the Download Assistant.

Are the servers bogged down?

Hi @Devin_Chaloux , can you instead get the Dorico 5.1.81 update from here ?


Perfect, this worked. Thanks for the quick reply. Hopefully the Download Manager gets figured out :slight_smile:

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