Steinberg, maybe make up your minds

Installed Backbone, and now it cries for elicenser software, each time it is instantiated … who pathetic … maybe Steinberg, let your devs know that this is legacy stuff … make a ticket … think your product strategies your declared months or years ago through … As a customer I am still urged to install more or less legacy software (license center).
Superb user experience! Wow!

Sorry, but I do not really understand what your question is here.

If you have a Backbone version that has been released before the switch to Steinberg Licensing it will of course ask for the eLicenser Control Center. So make sure it is installed and do not try to uninstall it. It is a tiny utility that doesn’t harm.

If it is an older release of Backbone, have you checked the vouchers section in your online profile? Steinberg issues update vouchers there, but you need to redeem that to get the latest release.

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Hello JuergenP,

thanks for your reply.
It was not really meant as a question, I guess.

Did you try to understand what I was saying?

Concerning your statement, according to my experiences / my install - your statement is not correct.
I have latest version (1.6.0 SiliconMac - no older version was ever installed on any of my computers), and it does not need elicenser to run, but, nevertheless, anyways, for some mysterious reason, maybe anyone knows why, it is complaining each time the plugin is loaded that elicenser is not installed … it is complaining for nothing. Well, maybe I am wrong, maybe it is a great feature to have legacy software installed, which is not actually needed.
GrooveAgent 5.1.1 or 5.2 did the same thing, by the way.

I couple of months, years ago, I complained that Steinberg’s tools always downloaded and try to install elicenser on my computer, no way to stop it. the installed Cubase 12 did not need it, and the other software, I waited until it was elicenser free, before I attempt to install it. Steinberg support argued, that it is totally correct to waste customer resources - like time, energy, internet bandwidth - to get sometthing installed that is not needed - never understood that. I guess, I just not thoughtful enough)

So, I am afraid, I cannot follow your explanation. Sorry. I thought, in this case my reasoning was based on logic. You argument as yours is based on logic, but I do not get it, because, it behaves differently on my computer.


No, I did not, because your first posting was confusing.

What exactly is not correct?

So that means you do not have the eLicenser Control Center installed, correct?

In that case the simple answer is, install it again. It is still linked in the licensing software, even if you have the latest releases, and will be there until Steinberg releases a new version in May that removes this relationship.

That is a misunderstanding on your side. As I said, the licensing software still requires it, because there are links between the two worlds.

So again, the easy solution is, install the eLicenser Control Center and leave it. It will be probably removed in May.


Ok, I make it short:
I know that people try to be helpful, however, telling me that I do not get it because there are possibly some links to more or less legacy software and I have to accept it and install whatever a software company wants me to install - I am sorry, I cannot consider good advice.

So, thanks, for pointing out the obvious. However, as this is my computer, I cannot accept it as a solution - not even as a work around!

I decided to uninstall Backbone, seems to be the more appropriate solution for me.


There is nothing broken and I’m clearly not wrong.

Cubase 12 does not need the eLicenser, but that is not the problem. There is still, what you call it, legacy software around in the world that needs to be running and requires the eLicenser. So Steinberg simply keeps both licensing active to allow users to do the switch. It is not just you who uses Steinbeg software and removing the eLicenser would have broken a lot more than just leaving it where it is.

It is a very well designed strategy, keeping both worlds active for some time, before shutting down the old system. And by the way, the licensing system has nothing to do with UX design, that is another world.

And again, it is the solution until 20.May 2025.

Ok, and now I step out here, because you start getting into a direction of insulting and that is not my way.

I’ve marked your post as inappropriate.


He was trying to help you, and to do so in an almost complete absence of actionable information on your part, sir/ma’am. “This doesn’t work and it doesn’t work anywhere” isn’t actionable. You didn’t even provide screenshots to help clear up your translations. You clearly have some legacy components that require the old licensing software be installed. So uninstall those, or install the eLicenser and move on.

I don’t really understand what your expectation is here. The guy is volunteering his own personal time trying to help you solve your problem, and all you’re doing is complaining. He’s not “defending Steinberg,” he’s pointing out the obviousness of the solution based on how you’ve described it.

Just drop it and open a ticket with Steinberg. Good luck.