Steinberg UR22C does not start up with the PC

Hi forum!
I recently bought my self a steinberg UR22C soundcard.
It works… but there are thing that bother me.
One thing is that when I turn the PC on, and while I have that soundcard set as default, There is no sound coming out. The fix I found for this is to change spatial sound type to any other mode and then turn it back to my preferred “Dolby Atmos”. Essentially nothing changes, but I dont understand why it does not work with start up.

The second issue is that sometimes when I boot the PC, I dont see the device in device manager at all ( obviously the whole channel is missing from sound settings ). This issue is also cured pretty easily, by either reconnecting the type C USB that powers the device, or simple reloading the PC.

Would be real fine if someone could explain to me what happens

Have a feeling the problem could be more on the side of the USB port of the PC.

Try disabling all power management on the USB port.
A different USB port on your PC might also behave differently.

If that does not work, try powering the UR22C from a separate source (and flip the switch in the back) and keep it always on, or turn it on a few seconds before you power your PC.

The UR22C (as any device) has a short delay after the USB power is applied before it can communicate and be “discovered” by the PC. Some PCs (esp. AMD’s) are sometimes a bit finicky with this power-up sequencing.