Steinberg USB eLicenser closing early 2025


I’m not too happy with Steinberg with the forthcoming closing down of the Cubase licensing Control Centre, and their policies surrounding it, forcing me to pay un upgrade fee of £160 or risk never being able to use Cubase again if my USB elicenser fails. I should note it’s not really the money, just the constant admin it brings, I want to make music and not spend all my time optimising new software updates.

Why do I not have any vouchers? I have been with Cubase for over 18 years, if I don’t receive any vouchers I don’t think I’ll continue with Steinberg products anymore to be honest.
My version is only a few years old (version 10.5) and it is PERFECT, why would I want to continually upgrade??? It’s a complete waste of time and money, I never use any of the new features.
Unfortunately this is the ugly trend now for software companies, to sell “Licenses” for software, and this way the customer is never in full ownership like they were at one time, and the company can pull it at any time they please and force more money from the customer if they want to even keep using an old legacy product, personally I think it’s a cynical way to run a business. Movie Streaming services are going the same way and I think customers are becoming aware it’s a different playing field.

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You can still use your software. They just won’t support it anymore and you can wait for the perfect 40-50% sale of a newer version if your beloved version won’t cut it for you anymore. The “on sale” prices will historically be the same prices as updating 4-6 versions ahead anyway.

Why so angry? Nothing lasts forever, not even you!! I must pay to maintain my house, my car - EVERYTHING cost something so why shouldn’t Steinberg’s efforts do too? You are free to choose your path forward. you don’t have to pay for software you don’t want to use with Steinberg, but I like that Steinberg is pushing forward. That is my choice if I want to pay or not.

PLEASE link me to your Youtube channel so I can learn the path to always being right and knowing other people’s wishes and needs better than theirs.

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glennloopez Really? You’re going there? Why stick up for a company that doesn’t have an interest in customer loyalty or satisfaction?

You’re forgetting customers aren’t given a choice here and are being forced to continually update a product that 100% doesn’t need any more additions, which are now leading to a cluttered interface.

Go on to social media & Youtube etc and read/watch reviews of Cubase 13. Have you actually looked at it? It looks WORSE than it has for years, actually the previous version Cubase 12 Pro looks like the updated version, much cleaner GUI.

I just don’t think you should have to update to this version whether you like it or not, or risk failure in the future. I’m used to the version I have, like I said, it doesn’t need any more development. All that is added are frivolous additions that make no difference to the long term & experienced user. If you want to continue updating for ever be my guest, but don’t tell me I should be happy with that business practice. Steinberg realise the only way they’ll continue getting your money is if they revamp the software in some way, so they choose to give it a graphical “overhaul”, and it ends up looking worse, just so they can differentiate the new version. It’s a business tactic that has a cynical underlying. Again, look it up on forums or comments on Youtube and you’ll find a huge amount of long term users don’t like the new graphic updates. Over cluttered . If you’re happy sucking up to Steinberg and giving them money year upon year to make up reasons in which the software is now “better”, and kid us all on that this will now make your music making 10x easier and your music sound better, than by all means go for it, but sometimes when you’re making music, you just want some thing sin your studio to remain unchanged and not have to worry about forced updates/optimisation/bug fixing/crashes etc.

Oh and by the way, how would you like it if several years after buying your car, the dealership where you bought it told you your car will stop working in the new year, and so you’ll have no alternative but to buy a new one, spend ages setting it up and optimising it before you can enjoy driving it again, only for this to repeat? “I like my car and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!” you say… TOO BAD your current car will stop working and you don’t have a choice. That’s not consumer choice or freedom, but instead imposing fake limits so they can continue to sell you new ones. It’s not too far from selling you a phone that is programmed to stop working in a certain number of years so you have to upgrade (A practice Apple was accused of with their I phone).

They do not want you to be happy with your current model/program or whatever., you just get used to the new one then the latest model/software program is released, and you have to start thinking about migrating to that. moving the goalposts. It’s happening with gaming companies too, full games used to be released on a physical media that you could play without limits for the rest of your life if your console etc was still working, but now software companies want to sell you a license to use it, with the caveat that they can pull the plug at any time.

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you are given a choice - you can continue to run your 10.5 version. How can you dispute that fact? the only thing Steinberg limits is your path to a newer version (which you don’t want anyway)

if you don’t want change or see innovation that is fine! Buy the computer you need, buy the software you want. Apparently, you have reached the perfect situation in your current setup. Ok, it is perfect so what is the problem? Why would you even consider upgrading something perfect?

However, when it comes to me. Yes me! I very strongly disagree with your attitude and your demeanor. I love it when Steinberg launches a new version.

Your “arguments” make no sense whatsoever.

Waiting for you and your Youtube following to destroy Steinberg’s reputation for having to balls to further develop their products after your little rant/recommendation on your channel.

best regards a Cubase 14 user!


I needed a good laugh this morning. Thanks for providing it!

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What ARE you talking about? I can use my current version of the software until my my USB elicenser fails, then at that point I wont be able to access anything i’ve done in the last 18 years. Sorry, where’s my choice again? The choice to be worrying for the rest of my time that the product I paid for and want to keep will one day, any possible day not run anymore, and the only choice then will be to upgrade to the latest version, regardless of how stable it is/how many bugs there are? What if I can’t get that version to run on my system in a stable manner? Every PC is different and there are literally thousands of things that can cause conflict and instability in a program, if it works like dream and you use 3rd party Plug ins anyway and literally need no additions, why upgrade every 2 years? No version below 12 can run on the new licensing system as far as I’m led to believe, which is my main complaint.

I take it you are aware of the instabilities and bugs of any new version, and that they can take months or even years to be ironed out. So you just get everything settled and working properly and then boom out comes a new version. That pal aint fun. I’m sure your masochist self enjoys that.

Believe it not, I contacted Steinberg support to find a solution, and it’s NOT the money. I would be happy to pay the update fee if I could continue to use the product version that works best for me, not a completely alien concept, as much as you might make it out to be. So I’ve been actively trying to find out if there’s a solution that means I’m not either forced to use Cubase 13 which I don’t like the look of, or switch to another DAW which would be work intensive to salvage things I’ve created before.

I don’t think I’m asking too much to be able to use Legacy versions of the software, like I have been able to do since I first bought my license 18 years ago, and will only be able to do so under certain conditions from 2025, namely until my USB eLicenser fails, at which point I’ll have to buy a new full license, as updating wont be an option. So if you’re not coming with a potential solution, and just ‘shaming’ me because I don’t happen to like the new product, then be off with you :slight_smile:

Yeah I feel you’re the one not making sense here