Steve Fogal's own forum request please

This is where all self righteous tyranny resides.

Only a psycho would save something like that all these years. :confused: To what end? You should have provided the context of when this was written. Chris B. banning members(not me) for the least complaint about the company or software, the promised SX3 final update being cancelled, and C4 being released with no end of issues.

Anyone who remembers mashedmitten from the old forum knows the lengths he went to to answer 1,000, of questions in great length.

Funny how Mr M uses insults and personal crusades when that’s what he whines I did. The attack is due to my telling him to RTFM and watch video tutorials in a couple of threads he posted to which he replied he doesn’t read manuals or watch tutorials. When he said that, I said I won’t help people who won’t help themselves and here we are. Him behind mommy’s computer feeling brave demonstrating the exact same behavior he claims to be railing against. Who’s the psycho?

You don’t see Steve crying about some of the things I said to him, do you? I’ve known him for years and he’s had his moments at other places, just like me. Real men shrug it off, dust themselves off and drive on.

Another thing, on this board, when it says Guest it means the user deleted their own account, not that they were banned.

So, Mr M, I’m calling you for what you are, and you can just fill in the blanks what that’d be. You aren’t worth a millisecond of my time. Have a nice, and everytime you see your reflection, think of me braying like a jacka55 at the sorry excuse you are. :sunglasses:

Like I said, a true psycho, living in an imaginary world. Pretty sure I’ve never said “I dont read manuals or watch tutorials”. I own at least 10 Cubase tutorials. The rest of this lunacy needs no reply.

Just watch this poster begin the same lashing out at everyone with mean spirited answers and pointless replies. He truly can’t help himself, like most mentally disturbed.

steve im jesting I still use a lot of pre midi gear ,true analog,early hybrid gear ,it just make’s me reminisce every time I read your posts about setting up old gear and researching midi which is all good as it is now all logged on the new forum for new users to read .
Anyway im going to crank open a beer and watch this thread as it’s going completely off topic

MrM’s the one that started in on the insults.

I did use the term psycho because, to me, its really frustrating to see the same person, formerly immortal now !@# ,just slam people in the woorst way,then come back and do it again and again. I just sat down to do a little look up on some of the vitrol coming from this person. Let me say ,I had no idea what I was dealing with.

Everyone has had the experience of reading a thread and suddenly there’s one post that is way out of topic from the rest as the poster is reponding with some vile comment or really mean put down. Now,what if the vast majority of those posts were made by the same guy over the years ? The same person keeps getting kicked and coming back over and over and over.

Well just a 10min lookup shows that these may all be the same people

Nate Wade
yer mom III
Ernest T Bass
Fried Brains
Mystery Shopper

Some of these could be wrong .obviously, but isnt that scary??? What kind of person would do this?? Looking at the posts I see that Mashed has helped lots of posters especially around midi timing issues. But as with each incarnation , the hateful comments ,especially to new users soon take over and far outweigh the help.

More astonishingly ,Chris as moderator seemed to know about some of this. Imagine an employee willfully allowing one guy to slam and ridicule new customers in a product forum.

Anyway , no more from me on this, !@# can have the last word as he surely wont last any longer than the other incarnations… If Steiny doesn’t care to maintain a civil,helpful climate in their own forum, why should I?

Guy, you need to move out of mom’s house and get a life. :unamused:

For the record, I wasn’t any incarnation of brains. :confused:

I’m glad I irritate you so much, makes my life complete.

BTW, now I remember, I gave a bad review of one of your tunes. :exclamation: Good reason for the vendetta. :mrgreen:

I think there’s a distinct difference between Nate and Brains, you got the aliases of both :wink:
Anyway, staying out of this discussion, let’s just be friends :sunglasses:

I never attended a costume ball. Ever. This forum gets to where I can’t tell if it’s the equivalent of a William Wycherley restoration era comedy or more like Edgar Allan Poe’s Masque Of The Red Death. Will the real anyone please stand up? For crying out loud! :wink:

Steinberg needs to lock the thread and be done with it .
Looks like your new forum failed Steve :unamused: :blush:

go on treat yourself and buy a zx81 :wink:

Well, I’ve been me for quite some time… :wink:. You?


Brains and his/her/its incarnations, may have been a lot of things, but was never nasty or rude…

I wasn’t particularly enamoured of him/her but must admit he/she had manners, better than mine at times :slight_smile: .


I’ve always been myself, and never been anyone else. And I’ve never had multiple login names simultaneously on this forum. On the old forum I used the name prism. When the new forum required new login credentials I became swamptone.

Best Wishes,

:sunglasses: !

I was “God” at nerg’s joint :smiley:

Is it over now?
And safe to come out?


Some entertaining posts at someone’s expense. Reminds me a bit of 3rd grade. Odd part of it is that the same behavior is present in self proclaimed adults. Someone needs a new hobby or a huge kick in the rear end.

By the way Steve, regarding your fabric ideas…my wife has a passion for sewing and has made shirts and pants for me out of so many crazy fabrics that she questions why I would wear something like this… She thinks I try to attract attention. :wink: I told her there was little way to distinguish myself at any motorcycle rallies…what, he’s the guy with the long hair, beard and black t-shirt? Nope, he’s the guy with the long hair, beard, black t-shirt and the pants with naked hula girls :astonished: