Still Can’t change click options

In nuendo 10.3.1, I can’t change any of the click options.

√ Click while Recording
√ Click while Playing
√ Click during Count-in

All three options are checked and refuse to be unchecked. All other settings in the metronome set up work fine.
macOS 10.14 and 10.13

Maybe take Nuendo out of record before changing the settings?
Just a thought.

In the Metronome Setup, I can’t save when I opt all the Click Option. The question is that I saw this repair in the update of Cubase10.5.3, but it didn’t repair in the update of Nuendo10.3.1.
Can’t save settings

I had this issue… you need to change the permissions of your folder where you keep the Nuendo settings. PITFA, but once I fixed it, I could save my plug in settings et al.

Do you know how to do that?

Hopefully this is what is happening to you too.

Thank you for your reply. But I still don’t understand which folder should I need to chang the permission and how to do that.
I’m looking forward your reply.

In your home Documents folder:
// username / Documents / Steinberg

Also other places in your hard drive, where Steinberg keeps settings. You might want to look around here, search, to find other places where permissions need to be changed.


thank you I only have the above three options and cannot save the settings, others can be saved

These three options cannot save settings