While I appreciate the ability that Dorico affords to mark stopped horn notes with a plus that then has an extender line that runs over the whole passage, sometimes I want to just put pluses over all the notes to be played that way. How do I circumvent Dorico’s default?
Select all the notes.
Add the playing technique.
In Properties > Playing Techniques > Continuation type, select Repeat the signs.
You can also change it to a default if you edit it in the playing techniques editor directly.
Thanks for this info, saves a lot of bother!
Hi everyone,
I found this, relating to my search, I’m using Dorico 5 Pro.
But I do not find the
Properties > Playing Techniques > Continuation type , select Repeat the signs .
Where can I find continuation types (using Noteperformer 4),
that I can use instead of sign repetitions ?
Thank you for any hint…
Properties > Playing Techniques > Continuation type , select Repeat the signs was in Dorico 3.5.
Given that the date of my post was November 2021, that was probably the version of Dorico which I was using at that time.
It looks like Dorico 4 and Dorico 5 do not have that feature in Properties.
The documentation for Dorico 5 still gives instructions for continuation lines. My guess is that it might be possible to add them ONLY on some playing techniques and not on others. If this is correct, it appears that stopped horn is one of the “others”.
A possible workaround for this limitation might be to find a playing technique (not just in brass, but maybe in wind or string) where the continuation type does show in Properties, enter that on the horn notes and change the continuation type to what you want and (while it is still selected) change it to stopped. I don’t know if this will work, but it might be worth trying.
Another thing to try:
Select the first note
Enter the playing technique
Press alt+ shift + right arrow (a continuation line should appear with the little circle which is the end of the continuation line)
Press alt+ shift + right arrow a few more times, or drag the circle with the mouse to cover as many notes as you want
Continuation type should now appear in Properties
thank you so much for your response and help.
No. 2 works with e.g. ‘pizz.’ instead of ‘stopped’ and then the further steps you described, while
No. 3 works as well and even easier.
Best regards,