Strange Bar that edits weirdly

What is wrong with Flow 3 Bar 20. A green rest is missing and it does not play back right. But if I delete those last two green notes (G,D) and try to re-enter them nothing aligns correctly.

My only solution is to re-enter the whole bar again. But re-entering bars reminds me of working in Finale. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Actually its worse than I thought becuase many other bars show the same symptons)

What cannot I not see ‘behind the scenes’?

MicroSonata1.dorico (1.8 MB)

This better?


MicroSonata1.dorico (1.8 MB)

You can see that the G is actually on the beat, but has been moved to the right, to avoid clashing with other voices.

Simply selecting those two notes and moving them to the right, to the next eighth, should fix it.

The same problem is in bar 8, 17 and 21. And 28.


In addition to @benwiggy 's observation, there are numerous instances where the quavers are in the correct place, but you have hidden the quaver rest (the previous quaver has the ends voice property set).

Thank you for the quick replies.

I suspected an “ends voice” somewhere but I was lookingin all the wrong places . :upside_down_face: