Strange Diamonds in Automation Lane?

I have an instrument with an automation lane that records volume changes. I have noticed small diamonds in this lane above the read/write line. I cannot seem to track down what these are. They are not nodes and do not seem to be editable. They disappear if I add a node on the automation line below. Any ideas? I’m stumped. EDIT: I have also noticed small circles appearing on the automation line. They do not seem to be selectable either and only appear on hovering.

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Could you please attach a screenshot?

Hi @Martin.Jirsak - added to original post. The diamond and circle are on the left. Regular nodes on the right. This is an automation lane. Windows 10, Cubase Pro 12.


You can change the curve by the circle hotshot and make the Bézier curves.

Hi, Okay - that’s good. I understand. Any idea about the diamond?


The diamond shows the center between the two nodes.

You can read more here.

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Just drag the diamond up and down with the mouse. You will see what it does. Undo is your friend.

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@Martin.Jirsak - Thanks for all your help. Is this automatically included on the Automation lane? I do not recall adding these. Can their appearance be turned off?

@Johnny_Moneto Yup. Thanks. Can the appearance of this option be turned off?

No. There is nothing you can do about it.

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