Strange result after inserting bars in project

Here is the process I followed :

  • start by recording several tracks of more than 60 bars (4/4 same tempo) from one guitar input using punch-in / punch-out
  • then I inserted 6 bars in project starting at 0
  • then reposition my cycling positions and punch-in / punch-out to adapt to intervals larger than previously (4 bars), starting positions were similars, only adapted the ending ones so the new recording length will be some bars shorter than the first one
  • then I recorded a second lane in the same tracks using the new punh-in / punch out settings

After this my first lane seems to be affected by a strange effect on its end, each track being affected the same way.
First lane is strangely separated in 2 events at the punch-out position (???) but when I try to play it there is no audio continuity at the new frontier between the 2 events(???).
To play it I select it with the comp tool, and here I see that the sound continuity had been broken, audio from this first recording seems to jump somewhere else in the original clip ?
Trying to delete this 2nd event deletes all the lane content.

Inserting bars seems to have broken my first recording ?
Does someone can explain what is Cubase doing here ?



That all looks normal. At any point on the timeline a Track can only play Audio from a single Lane at anytime. It’s easier to see than explain.

Try doing this:

  1. Use Save As… to create a copy of the Project that we can safely mangle.
  2. Select the Split (Scissors) Tool
  3. On the last Track (not the Lanes beneath the Track) Split the Audio at four or five locations - notice how it Splits the Lanes too
  4. On each of the Track’s Lanes Split them a couple more times in new locations - notice how this only Splits the Audio on a single Lane
  5. Select the Comp (Hand) Tool. This Tool is Selects which bits of Audio will or won’t play at any time.
  6. Loop Play your piece and use the Comp Tool to Select different Audio Events on the Lanes (not Tracks), you’ll see (hear) how it works pretty quickly.

Thanks but what I was saying is that I never asked Cubase to split the first lane on the end (see my dark mark on 3rd picture).
Where does this split come from ?
I don’t even understand which part of this lane it duplicated or moved to create this non continuity in it ???
And yes I know the comp tool and its usage, using it regularly when I register in cycle (but without puch in/out until that try).

I have a copy of my project before inserting the 6 bars and each time I run the same process on a new copy I get this same split problem.

It’s not Split, you are just interpreting what you see as indicating a split. What you are seeing is a change in color which indicates which sections of the various Audio Parts has the Playback focus at each location along the Timeline.

I gather you didn’t explore the instructions provided above.

Actually you’re not inserting anything. Inserting 6 Bars would increase the length of the Project by 6 Bars. And wherever you Inserted the Bars everything to the right on the Timeline would be shifted 6 Bars.

What you are doing is recording an additional Take on a Track. Every Take is put on a new Lane. New Takes can be created like you did by stopping & starting the recording. But new Takes can also be created while continuously Recording while Looping on a section - each time through the loop creates a new Take. The thing you circled is what a Comp Edit looks like. By default the last Take recorded will initially have Playback Focus. In your pic the 1st Take is longer than the 2nd. So the 2nd Take has the Playback Focus over its entire length. But after it ends, in that portion of the Timeline, the last recorded Take there is your 1st Take - so it has Playback Focus during that portion of the Timeline.

And yeah it can initially confusing because it’s designed to facilitate comping a performance out of multiple Takes. I’d expect Steinberg’s Cubase YouTube Channel has some videos on both Recording multiple Takes and on Comping.

Dear @raino , thanks for your answers but I know comping, using it from years (with all its good and bad features and bugs)

But if my first lane has 2 comping areas !!!
Who created them, not me.
I never took any action here to create these 2 areas.

I gather you have not carefuly read what I have explained, or it is badly worded so not easy to understand ?

I am just explaining that, using the dedicated popup, I inserted 6 bars before setting again my punch markers and recording the second lane.

Yes it has been shifted as expected.
But following this, after recording the second lane, my first lane has been modified independantly of my will.

I think there is a bug and if you follow carefuly the same process as me you should experience it.

I know all this, using comping from years.


I’m looking at your screenshots and I see no “split”.
If you move the take on Lane 2 back and forth, does your split move with it?

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Ok, it is not a split.
I was simply used to record without punch in/out in cycle, so all my lanes were same size.
Here my second lane is shorter and when selected by comp tool, Cubase simply continue playing lane 1 when reaching the end of lane 2, even if no split.
So we can close this thread, thanks to everyone.