Strange Synthmaster AU behaviour

Hey all,

I have been dealing with an issue in regards to Synthmaster One U and Cubasis for some time, and thought I would see if anyone has seen this type of problem before.

I am running the latest Cubasis 2.7 (but recently 2.6) on either oy my iPads (iPad pro v2 & iPad mini2) and have seen this problem across the IOS v11 & v12 codes.

When I create a project that has Synthmaster AU, I find that when I go to reopen the project at a later date, I get the following message:

Audio Unit Not Found
The project may sound different because 1 plug-in could not be found.

The channel for the Synthmaster music shows the Cubasis “X” but still calls the channel “Synthmaster One”. Synthmaster One is properly installed on the devices and works perfectly in all other applications and as a stand-alone app.

Since this is happening, all settings for the instrument are lost when I reopen the project, and effectively destroys that element.

Hi fotizimo,

Thanks for your message.

Please make sure to share your report with KV331 Audio to let them know about the issue.
We’re at hand to exchange with them if required.


Hey there Lars,

So I just posted up on the KV331 space of KVRAUDIO, so I will see what they say. You haven’t seen this type of behaviour in your experience?

I use SynthmasterOne AU without any such reloading problems. So it must clearly be an issue with your setup.
Perhaps start a new project and try again?

One hint though:
when plugins don’t always load automatically with Cubasis (I have seen that behavior occasionally), try the following: start the plugin standalone first, then start Cubasis (and switch back and forth, or eventually reload the plugin from Cubasis then).

Another possibility: sometimes loading a new Cubasis version as update over an actual one has caused problems here on my iPads.
In this case backup Cubasis content, uninstall Cubasis completely and reinstall. This has cured casual weird problems here in the past.

Hi fotizimo,

As of yet, we haven’t seen this issue on our iPads.
Could it be possible that you’ve installed an older Synthmaster version, required to be updated?


I’ve seen this issue too and also captured a screenshot of it in a Cubasis popup with the same error message even though SynthMaster One exists installed fine. I’ll post the screenshot today.


Here is the screenshot of this issue. The AU assignment and its preset customizations are lost and we need to start over from Audio Units again to reassign the instrument.


EDIT: Reuploaded the image as it failed before

Hi Shaker,

Are you able to provide us with a detailed report to reproduce the issue?
If the problem pops up, does it help to restart Cubasis to solve it?


Hi Lars,

This may be an iOS issue:

For me, it happened when I opened a project (maybe due to too many AU tracks) but I was able to reassign the AUs to the tracks.