Stream Deck, Keyboard Maestro, MetaGrid Pro: key commands

Stream Deck, Keyboard Maestro (Mac), MetaGrid Pro (iPad) (and similar) show a series of buttons which in turn, trigger key commands or actions (a script of key commands) … etc.

Stream Deck has real buttons on a physical unit, or have it as a screen app.
Currently the XL model has the most (real, physical) buttons.
This from their website, the XL model with the editor on the screen which is where you set everything up.

Each button sends a key command or a series of them, and any button can trigger another layout of buttons instead (like folders) so you can potentially have many key commands or action scripts.
You can easily program each button or a series of layouts yourself, or buy one already created. Notation Express for Dorico (no affiliation) might be useful for some.

Other options
Mac - Keyboard Maestro can sequence key commands
(There are Windows equivalents)

MetaGrid Pro (iPad, connects to Windows and Mac)
has a basic template for Dorico layout available already or create your own layouts (called Grids), add a (piano) keyboard to tap for note input as if it were a midi keyboard.
Here is a quick example screenshot.

For a current project, including some divisi separations, I am in Sibelius, Finale and Dorico … and getting confused with them all so I have set up specific button layouts in my Stream Deck for this part of the project.
For example, key commands for filter top note, filter voice 1, change Views (Panorama, Page View, Galley View, Scroll view equivalents), etc. are different in each program. Some buttons are sending a key command, others are small action scripts which might trigger one key command after another (for example filter top note then delete or hide). When I change to one of those programs on my computer, the layout changes to an equivalent layout, but the one for that program; the key commands sent (or macros) on that layout are specific to that program for that action. The (equivalent) buttons for each action are in the same location for each program.
On each layout I also have a search button which opens my browser, search, types in the program’s name, spacebar, ready so I can type in search text, but on the Dorico layout this button takes me to Dorico help.

These kinds of tools might be useful for those still needing to work with Finale (or Sibelius etc.) but also make a start with Dorico. Obviously the “Way of Dorico” is quite different in its philosophy from any other notation program and key commands are just one element, but it may ease the mental burden a little.

The search process here at the forum is excellent, so you will find posts/threads on these or similar. This particularly long thread is a few years old but some might find it useful.


First post from a Finale refugee. I’m a full-time arranger/engraver with 30 years of Finale experience. I’ve used Metagrid for several years and it’s crucial to my workflow. I want to learn Dorico with Metagrid/Stream Deck (or both) already in place since I know the value. My question: Based on what’s available for Metagrid and Stream Deck (from Notation Express), what are the advantages of one vs the other? Should I invest in a Stream Deck or stay with the Dorico grid provided for Metagrid? I’d love to hear from someone who has both and can speak to the differences and similarities. Anyone with both willing to share their thoughts?

I am using the Notation Express profile for Dorico on a Stream Deck XL. Works perfect with a lot of pages for a multitude of functionalities. I always have it connected when in my studio but in the end learning a lot of key commands and creating 5-10 user key commands is on the long run probably faster and also works when underway. You could probably optimise the buttons on your top page on the Stream Deck to reduce having to switch to other pages too often as that is the main issue I have.

I also use three SideShowFX packages (2 different Cubase and Logic) on the same deck. They also work fine but are not so easy to install. They also randomly interfere with other controllers for these programs and sometimes deactivate user key commands.

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Thank you for the info - very helpful!

Yep, I have duplicated my profile from Notation Central and added a first page, where I have placed all my must-have everyday go-to shortcuts in easy reach without need of digging into “subfolders” on the deck. But when I need those, I can just page over to the “normal” profile which I left as is. This has allowed me to create a custom workflow. I find the deck most helpful for macro actions, filtering, and dynamics.

I can’t speak for Metagrid since I never tried it, but I checked it out before purchasing my Streamdeck XL – and for me the decision came down simply to size and ergonomics. I use an iPad for sheet music and score study but I have the largest iPad they make and it feels overkill to just have some macros. Streamdeck is nice because I have it right on top of my midi keyboard for super fast note input.

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Hi Luke,
Thank you for your question :slight_smile:
The MetaGrid Pro version of Dorico is a demo one although it works, did you find it?
If you only have MetaGrid (not the Pro version) it might not be there.
[MGP version: Content manager > Grids > Presets]

You would have to add more buttons to customize to what you need. The MGP team are currently working on a new beta of MGP and a Mac version which will make creating grids, buttons, key commands etc. much easier to set up. (These kinds of tools are very tedious to set up as you probably know.)
I am not part of the beta team but they say it should be coming out soon (nothing said about a Windows version).

Also since you already have a Workspace/Grids, you could try duplicating a few of your Finale grids, reprogramming them for Dorico and see what happens.
[Aside: as Dorico works in different ways, what you come up with might not be the best way of working but at least it is a way to start. If it were me, I would look at some simple tasks you are doing, and replicate that on the buttons from a duplicated Dorico equivalent grid and trial it.]

As I pointed out in my initial post, for my current divisi (etc.) tasks, making the same layouts for each program helped, but normally for Sibelius I have a different layout than my Dorico one. Actually for Dorico, I use the built in key commands within Dorico most of the time (and the Jump command!) I made a start with adding in the Keyboard add-on (MGP version) for note input, but I decided to wait for the Mac version to be released before continuing with developing it.

The Stream Deck Notation Express (Dorico) would have many of the buttons already mapping, so all you would have to do (!) is customize the layouts (grids) for what you want where and on which layout (or just use it as it is for a test.)

Here is Notation Express layout information from their manual just to give you an idea of how it is organized and what is included

Notation Express XL version

A sample page from their manual, Dorico filters

I like Stream Deck because it has a positive button action I can feel (unfortunately accompanied by a “plastic button sound” as you use them, annoying anyone in the room wanting quiet.) They are not too noisy, but you hear them.
I see on their website a 60 day easy return currently, but you might be able to purchase it locally if you also get a return option.

I have had problems with MetaGrid Pro, connection problems, sometimes buttons work intermittently (some Sibelius actions would either work or have an unpredictable result, whereas setting up Stream Deck with the same key commands worked with no problems.) And MGP would often crash, especially when creating buttons. But it’s obviously working for you very well :slight_smile:

MGP has hundreds icons to choose from, all built in.
Stream Deck has very few, so often I just use text, and maybe a basic color or use their website editor to create something basic, unless it is really annoying me and I have some time to make one.

I hope this helps,

EDIT: I am not sure if Stream Deck has a “Momentary button” function, never needed it, but I was just setting up one in MGP just now. I seem to remember some functions are not available on the other but never wrote a list of them.

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I use Touch Portal, which is ipad based and has a free version, in case anyone is interested in an alternative. It works well for me, though connectivity is a little annoying when switching between working at home with my desktop setup and at work with my laptop. I imagine it’s similar with any wifi/ipad apps.

And, I find these tools to be essential when working with mixed meters when you need different subdivisions (2+3 vs 3+2, etc.)!

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Thanks for that comprehensive breakdown. So helpful. Based on your feedback and researching the options, I’ve decided to start with the Notation Express XL, but using it on the Stream Deck Mobile version for the iPad. So no hardware purchase yet - though so far the iPad version seems more than adequate. Again, thanks so much for your wisdom!

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I take the liberty of adding to that list of workflow streamlining tools to be considered the ConsoleTools Lua Framework (Disclaimer: I am its developer and vendor of the for-sale full version), as well as the various free tool libraries that are available for it. You can try it out with the limited version, which is free. There also has been a Discover Dorico session recently that showcases how ConsoleTools can be used; not incidentally, the session also covers the use of the hardware solutions listed in this thread’s original post.

One way to think of the framework is as “Stream Deck for you keyboard”, insofar as it will (amongst other things) allow you to rearrange keyboard shortcut functionality on the spot, so that you can use a variety of features from a very compact set of keys, similar to what @arco has been describing as the “folders” approach.

One area where ConsoleTools does particularly excel is the handling of Dorico’s properties (in the lower zone), which tends to be a common obstacle for new users coming from other notation software. Setting often-used properties with ConsoleTools might somewhat ease any initial frustration that comes with getting used to this core concept of Dorico use.

Having said all that, I also must acknowledge that, because of technical limitations, the setup process for ConsoleTools is not the most straightforward one. So, while I want very much to encourage you to give ConsoleTools some consideration eventually, I would also urge you to do so only once you have a comfortable familiarity with use proper of Dorico.

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Thank you for contributing to this thread @Alexander_Ploetz :slight_smile:
The more options referenced here the better!

I found this if anyone wants icons.

For Stream Deck because it imports png files:

  1. Affinity Designer (or Adobe Illustrator or similar), import the svg;
  2. I added in a white (or whatever color) rectangle behind it (in a lower layer) as it has a transparent background;
  3. exported as png (200x200), larger than recommended but works

Optional: you can obviously play with the colors and add gradients to the background layer etc. Also add your own text in a specific way (limited options in Stream Deck text)

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