Streaming cubase audio through discord

Hey, I’m trying to get my cubase audio to come through discord for students and clients but can’t seem to find a reliable option. Has anyone had any success with this?


Yes, What do you want to know?

Just kidding. We need to know your audio interface, the answers will depend on this. {Please let it be RME}

lol yeah this thing - AXE I/O

macOS or Windows? Please let it be macOS, but it’s Windows, isn’t it?

It’s windows sorry haha

Ok, let’s start with a nice little graphic:

On your computer Windows is running audio through its own system. Discord is part of this system.
Cubase, for good reasons, does not use the Windows audio system but rather uses its own, ASIO.
What we need to achieve is to send Cubase’s audio output (or a copy thereof) back to the input stage of the Windows audio sytem. In the graphic this is the loopback arrow.

Some audio interfaces allow loopback through their driver. Yours does not.
There are two alternatives:

  • place a VST plugin into the master bus of Cubase that sends a copy of the signal via a network (purely a software network) to another piece of software that takes this signal and makes it available to Windows. This is reaStream from Cockos, the maker of the Reaper DAW and is part of their downloadable effect suit.
  • software that pretends to be an ASIO driver (well, actually it is such a driver) but instead of directing the audio directly to a hardware it gets directed to the Windows audio sytem. Example for this are Voicemeter Banana, or the vastly more complex and discontinued ASIOLink Pro. Here is a little walkthrough on how to use this software. There might be other pieces of software that provide this kind of solution.

Here’s a video showing how to setup Cubase, Voicemeeter, and Discord: