(the example is from Beethoven’s 4th symphony)
I’m not finding how to do this … tricked with a second voice and aligning things, but this feels very unDoricoish
(the example is from Beethoven’s 4th symphony)
I’m not finding how to do this … tricked with a second voice and aligning things, but this feels very unDoricoish
I’m not at my computer to try it, but would this do the trick?
There won’t be a good way to do that, I’m afraid, because you can’t easily hide rhythm dots independently of their notes. I might be tempted to write that whole chord as an undotted eighth beamed to the sixteenth, and then use Edit > Remove Rest on the unwanted sixteenth rest that will appear between the two, then finally add the rhythm dot on the top note as text. When you add text, right-click to find the dialog to add music symbols to the text item so you can find the correct glyph (search for “augmentationDot”). To make it easier to position the text, in Engrave mode, deactivate the Avoid collisions property.
Not a Dorico answer, @meixner, but a purely notational one that intersects with it. Would either of the ways of writing the triple-stop shown below work for your musical needs? I think they’d be clear to your (presumably violinist) performer, and would handily skirt the different-duration issue.
In this case I‘m copying Beethoven, so it‘s not my decision to make
“Roger that.”
Thanks Daniel - that sounds quite doable (I don‘t have to search the manual any more )
Try this…
Enter the notes as bar1.
Change voice index of the the chord to 0.
Hide stem in the dotted Ab.
Remove rests (this will break the beam)
Select the chord and semiquaver and Beam together.
Also a nice solution, even a bit more idiomatic - thanks!