Struggling with flow assignment to separate music frames

I’ve made this page by creating a bespoken master page. Set up 10 flows and all seemed to work well, but now I can’t set in the second music frame flow 2, cos the small blue box about setting the flow number is pale and doesn’t react. So all my little music frames are full with flow 1 and can’t change them to flow 2 and 3 and etc. What am I doing wrong?

Are you sure you’re in the Page Template editor and not editing the page directly?

Yes! The first time I succesed up to this point. I created a master page and inserted it to the related pages.

Also as an aside, if you inadvertently edited the page directly (it’s easy to do), you’ll get a red triangle on the page icon in the right panel. This indicates an override. You’ll need to remove overrides if this is the case.

Ok, if there aren’t any page overrides, I’m out of ideas without seeing the actual project.

I removed overrides and blue box is still blank. But I created a new project with the same setting and it works well. So I think before I even start to write the first note of the project I’ll set the flows and I avoid this wierd situation:)

Many thanks, @Craig_F

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You’ve got different frame Chains for each box. (MI, MA, MK, ML.) That means you’ll get the same music in each box.

You want (I presume) MA 1, MA 2, MA 3, MA 4.

No, when you have different frames using different flows, the letter after M changes as in the pic.

If it’s a different letter, then they are different frame chains, and you’ll get the same music in each one (i.e. each will repeat the same music.)

If you have MA for all of them, but 1, 2, 3, 4 – then that’s the order of each frame in the MA chain. (Assuming that each Flow fits into each frame.)

Alternatively, you can Filter the flows; but I think they have to be local chains.

But you can assign different flows to different frames when they are separate chains. Which seems to be what the OP wants.

You can but you shouldn’t need to. If you use one frame chain all the flows go in the frames for that chain, as and where they fit.

Seems to me from the pic that he wants more fine-grained control of the placement of the flows in reference to the text frames on the right.