
I’ve noticed since the very latest update that when I move around song position in screen the whole song stutters really bad when playing. Also this is happening when song playing and just move from one track to another in screen ?

Also the metronome has been recorded within an audio track. Restarted CUBASIS and not done again yet. Any others users had this since update?



I’ve not noticed this before

Hi Jon_Scott,
Yes I have noticed this too, at first I thought it was me until I read your post.
When my song is at rest the DSP shows silent, but as soon as I hit play, (the first 4 bars are empty), the DSP jumps to 15 - 20%, if I move the screen this jumps up to a higher figure, I only have two Insert Effects running.
I tried another project with no midi instruments loaded, just four audio tracks and as soon as I move the screen whilst it is playing, the DSP shoots up to 100%???
I am using the latest 13 inch iPad Air M2 with 8Gb of internal ram, everything is updated.
Maybe others are experiencing similar issues of this nature too?

Hi @Jon_Scott, Hi @fixitmania53

Could you please provide me with a short clip that shows the steps leading to the issue?


1 Like

Hi Lars,
In this clip I am not using any effects at all, when I move the screen the DSP jumps to 100%, when using just midi tracks the DSP jumps up to 60%.
This problem is made worse when viewing up to around 40 bars, decreasing this number to around 15 bars also decreases the DSP usage as shown in my clip.
I am using iPad Air M2 2024 and iPad Air 4, the same problem occurs on both devices, everything is up to date.

I’ve noticed this very occasionally too, no rhyme (!) no reason. It seems to go away when starting/playing from the beginning. iPad Air 4, Cubasis 3.6.6.


Find attached clip showing section of audio I recorded. Had the CUBASIS metronome on when I recorded, when played back the metronome was recorded with the audio?

It’s not happened again ?



(Attachment is missing)

Hi Lars,
I attached a Dropbox link for a clip demonstrating the high DSP usage 2 days ago, not sure if you have seen it?

Hi all,

Thanks again for your reports (and the clip, @fixitmania53).
Our engineering will evaluate the problem.

Best wishes,

Hi Lars,

This is the metronome problem that I had. As you can hear the CUBASIS metronome was recorded along with my audio?

I’ve not had the stuttering again so couldn’t send this but all I can say is that it was very annoying and happened when playing track and moving the screen song position when playing caused a stuttering effect. I’ve not had it happen again yet!



Hi @Jon_Scott

This is the metronome problem that I had. As you can hear the CUBASIS metronome was recorded along with my audio?

Did you use a headphone to record the audio, could the issue be related to crosstalk?



Using a Yamaha Montage as sound source. USB to record the audio with direct monitoring on Montage - headphones in montage.

Montage as audio interface when recording vocals, guitars any external audio.

Always record this was and never had a problem before?


Hi @Jon_Scott

Thanks for your reply.
So far we are unaware about any issues.


I’m noticing this stuttering as well. I have a track with a pluck sound going into a dotted 8th delay. It stutters randomly. Thinking it was CPU (I’m on an old iPad Pro 12.9 1st gen), I froze the track and kept the frozen audio deleting the MIDI track. So now just audio recorded without FX. When playing back it randomly stutters. It’s not in the audio recording…it is right on time, confirming the waveform visually aligns with the ruler. But during play back, it will randomly stutter. Also notice that the play head is not moving along smoothly.

Not really useable for me unfortunately. Will have to use something else.

Hi @Jon_Scott

Our engineering will further evaluate the problem. To get around the issue, please give it a try to enable “Low waveform quality” located under “Setup/General”, and let me know if it helps.


Hi @mcmillan.jon

Thanks for your message.
Your issue might be different to the one reported by @mcmillan.jon.

Please share a screenshot of your “Setup/Audio” screen with us, and try the following steps:

  • Enable “Low waveform quality” under “Setup / General”.
  • Enable “multi-core (default guard buffer)” under “Setup / Audio”.
  • Set the latency to ~5ms under “Setup / Audio” (higher values can lead to the playhead not moving smoothly).

Please let us know about your results. If the problem persists, please share the project with us.
