Support is slow to respond?

How long does it normally take for Steinberg to respond to email support, if anyone has experience with that? I paid to upgrade my Elements 10.5 to 13 for my new computer, but it won’t allow me to update saying the update is for version 11 or newer. But I selected the upgrade to 13 from version 6-11, and mine was 10.5. I emailed them a couple days ago and nothing so far. Thanks.

Unfortunately it’s not great, I raised a support ticket last month and heard nothing for nearly 30 days at which point they said sorry for the delay if you still require support please raise another ticket :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

Thankfully I’d solved my issue with the help of folk here and YouTube.

Good luck, I hope you get a better response.

It also depends on the country. I think they have a distributed email support, not a centralized one. So the customer experience can differ from region to region.

Funnily enough i find support brilliant .
If i open a ticket and it’s an urgent matter i receive a reply Most of the time within the same day , if it’s an enquiry then it can take weeks , i think they prioritize quite ruthlessly due to the amount of support questions they receive on general matters that answers can be found on the forum

Thanks for the quick replies! I would hope that support regarding purchases would get answered quickly since I gave them money and it isn’t working. I will give it another couple days and then talk to my credit card company. Thanks again!

I agree that it likely depends on the country where you request tech support. I’m in Toronto Canada and I have to say that the tech support here is, and always has been, the gold standard for any company’s tech support. I’m always amazed at how fast they respond. This is a fairly big city, so they must get a lot of tickets, but they guys obviously have a great system. Tech supports…Unite.

It’s horses for courses depending on your location in the world. In Australia I usually got a response from our support provider here (which is a Yamaha music store) within a week or two.

The email that I sent for support had a Yamaha address, I am in the U.S. What is funny is I just got an email yesterday from Steinberg stating that I have 7 days left to verify my licenses for v13 or it will stop working and we are on day 5 of no support reply from them.

@GregOndo Can you “wake up” anybody at Yamaha US in order to assist lars3?