Surround, Stereo and Ambisonics in the Same Project?

Hi, I have a project setup already that can handle 5.1 surround and 2.0 stereo downmix from that.

If possible, how to add Ambisonics to the club?

Isn’t that just a question of having an Ambisonics path with the proper decoding to one of your “physical” output formats?

I do not know, but if so, how should I do it? A step by step guide would be very helpful for me.

Have you found any suitable methods for your desired mix configuration? I’d like to hear about it if so.

Not yet. Ambisonics in general is vague to me. Surround was likewise the first time. But I intend to find out soon about the world of Ambisonics.

So, the question is (if Ambisonics is “vague in general” to you) what do you hope to achieve by adding Ambisonics to your project?

I suggest you read this: Ambisonics | SpringerLink

I hope to first learn and then make VR, MR, AR, 360 etc types of audio.

Thank you so much for the great link.