I have a player, playing both vibraphone and percussion. Usually Dorico lets there be pedal signs continuing over instrument changes, as I want the vibraphone pedal down, even when percussion is being played.
At one point, there is a change to percussion and the changes occurs over a system break. For some reason, I can’t drag the pedal line over the system break to the end of the piece.
Dorico 5 Pro Any help would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, the problems persists in Galley View. In Galley view the pedal stretches beyond, but once in page view, the pedal line cuts off.
Hmm. I just tried it, and it works for me. Can you post a minimal project that shows the problem?
TEMP.dorico (615.8 KB)
Sure! I recreated the issue. In my real project. As you can see, the pedal lines cuts off abruptly, where it should follow to the line below.
Now I see – I hadn’t included the system break before. I tried a lot of different things and I find that the continuation line will show if the Vibes reappear anywhere on the following system. If they don’t, I don’t have a suggestion.