Sustain Pedal, recording SOMETIMES plays back?

Hi, i have a Kawai MP10 and Cubase Artist. I see sustain being recorded, but i doens’t play back via VST. To say, sometimes (when i change a setting) the sustain will play back, one time, and then i will stop playing again.

Can anybody help me with this weird issue?


What instrument(s) are you experiencing this with?
It looks like you might use Noire by Native Instruments in the screenshot. If so, keep in mind that you have to enable “Half Pedal” in the settings of the instrument in order to be able to use a sustain pedal that send continuous data.
Another thing to look at is the setting in Cubase’s Key Editor: “Type of New Controller Events”. Try setting this to “Step”.

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Thank you, i think the half-pedal is the issue. Noire works now, Serum does not.
I’ll just buy another simpler pedal because i don’t want to use half pedalling anyway.
Where can i find the “Type of New Controller Events”?

Greetings, Frederik

If you search the forum there are several accounts of misbehavior when using the “Ramp” setting. I would try this first before running to the store for a new pedal. Especially if the issue only appears with recorded MIDI and not when playing an instrument live.

Solved! The problem was: a dirty sensor in the pedal itself. Weird enhough that wasn’t a bif problem playing live. But recorded data CC64 showed not clean half damping data. So I screwed the pedal open and gave it a good blow. Problem solved. F10 pedal I bought didn’t work anyway.

Thnx for the support!

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