Swedish Keyboard

Remapping of keys for articulations.
Had a problem redefining the Swedish kbd definitions and in particular key 1B (left of Enter). When pressed this gives a doubling of the letter!! Using the UK Kbd it was possible to redefine this key. This would imply that Dorico must be run using the UK kbd definitions if kbd shortcuts for articulations are to function properly.

Kučera Jan <kucera@lupacovka.cz> gave me the following explanation for key 1B using the Swedish Kbd:

That key is a dead key. When typing text, you press this key and then another letter and it will type the letter with a diacritic.

I do not have experience with Dorico, but based on your description, it seems to use the key output rather than scancode/virtualkey value for the mapping, so it is waiting on the final letter with diacritic in this case. I am afraid it is Dorico who would need to fix this.

Can you advise?

John McWilliam (jsmcwilliam@gmail.com)

I presume you are talking about the key to write ü, ô and ã for instance?

My solution is to run Dorico in English, but still having the keyboard layout of the OS (Win 11 in my case) set to Swedish; then I have used an AHK script to bring life to the dead keys:

¨::] ;staccato
´::} ;staccatissimo

If you are on OSX there are other ways.
Let me know if you need more info.

There would appear to be a solution for the Swedish kbd, however, for the less initiated I need help to understand/create an AHK script.

You can download Autohotkey v 2 here AutoHotkey if you want to try that route.

The complete script for the umlaut key and the one above to a hotkey for staccato and staccatissimo could be like this:

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#HotIf WinActive("ahk_class Qt650QWindowIcon ahk_exe Dorico5.exe")
;The above line makes sure the hotkeys are only active when the Dorico window is active.
#SingleInstance Force

¨::] ; makes ¨ send the shortcut for staccato, ] on my system.
´::} ; same but for staccatissimo.

If all this seems too complicated, you can also use the Windows 11 PowerToys Keyboard Manager utility for Windows | Microsoft Learn, but then the keys that you remap will be remapped systemwide. The neat thing with the script is that you can use those two keys normally when you are not in the Dorico window.

Thank you I will see how I get along with this.

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