Syncing Cubase to an SP-12(00)

I’d like to use Cubase as a slave to my SP-12 over MTC but i can’t get it to work. Has someone done this and can help me out?


Would you not be better having it the other way round, sp1200 syncing to Cubase?

What good would that do? What I like to achieve is the SP-12 timing for all other gear…

I’d like to use Cubase as a slave to my SP-12 over > MTC > but i can’t get it to work.

Probably because the SP-1200 doesn’t support MTC. Only MIDI Clock and SMPTE.

Maybe that is the problem, but does this mean it is not possible to sync Cubase to the SP-12 at all?

Bump! Any Infos on how to do it, anyone?

Using MTC, MIDI clock or smpte it wont make any difference to the “timing” what ever way you have it round.

None of those timing references contain what the SP-12 is doing to the playback timing! they are just stable clock sources.

And in fact syncing cubase to an external clock without tying in the converters clock via something like wordclock will just result in the audio going out of sync with the midi.