syncopation input

I want to input the Do-Si at the beginning of the 2 bars as an eighth note followed by a quarter note, but it keeps automatically changing to an eighth note tied to the next note, probably because of the sixteenth note that comes after.

How can I input it as an eighth note - quarter note - sixteenth note?

Hello Lee, and welcome to the forum.
If you want to display your music as described:
Select the second note in your second full bar.
Press in a sequence: o 5 6 .
(letter) o is for Force Duration
5 - you change the note back to an eighth note
6 - you force the note to display as a quarter note

And, as I always say, make sure you’re using the latest version of Dorico (5.1.7).

:question: :What difference does the version make to this question :question:

Forced Duration has been a feature of Dorico since version 1.


Because Notations Options also may have an impact in this case.
And, with correct settings, can avoid the need to call a Force Duration key.