Systems collide when adding divisi

Hello again!

When I add divisi sections to violins or viola, the layout and/or engraving settings don’t seem to take it into account when fitting systems onto a page, and then this happens (screenshot). As long as I only write in unison, everything looks as expected, with lovely space between systems. But when the score gets extended vertically because of divisi, it’s like the layout does not “know” that divisi takes up vertical space. What settings should I change to make this work, and without changing how it looks when there are no divisi…?

Might be useful to know that I started the project from the “Film orchestra” preset, and deleted a lot of instruments.

(Dorico 5.1.21, MacOS Big Sur)

Please read this recent post I wrote on this topic:

There’s no great automatic answer to this. Depending on how I feel about how subsequent pages look, I might be tempted to add a frame break at the start of the second system on that first page.


Thanks Daniel, I will have a look!