Hi, I have a few questions about switching selections with the tab key. I’ve just noticed that it doesn’t seem to work to switch between slurs and notes that are definitely at the same rhythmic position. I can’t for the life of me remember if it ever did or if I’m just misremembering. Would somebody be able to confirm if using tab to switch between a note and a slur is indeed not possible?
I have also noticed that I can tab to a tuplet number/bracket if I’m on the first note of the tuplet but I can’t switch back to the note. Is this how it is supposed to behave or is this a bug?
(Also, bonus question are there any plans to make it possible to press tab to switch to the tuplet from any note within the tuplet bracket/number?)
Thanks for any help!
Edit: The behaviour seems even wonkier for me right now – it selects a slur on another staff if there is music on that staff.

Here’s a reduced project file in case that helps. It seems like the issue is caused by a section with some cross staff notation after which everything goes wonky with the slurs. So I presume this is indeed a bug (?)
Slur tabbing issue.dorico.zip (1.3 MB)
Yes, it’s certainly not working perfectly in that situation. There are a few rough edges on the Write mode navigation method that we implemented a few versions ago that I need to find time to return to, and this is among them.
has this issue been resolved yet? I’m experiencing a similar problem in navigating from slur to note in write mode.
In general, tabbing between a slur and the note at the start of the slur should work reliably. If you have a case that doesn’t, please provide a minimal project file and the steps to reproduce the problem.
Hey There!
Is there a way to change the order or heirarchy of how tab cycles through elements? I’m still trying to find workarounds for the lack of ability to enter stickings on unpitched percussion kits with multiple instruments on different lines and spaces reliably. I have an awesome set of streamdeck macros that I’ve made that are incredibly effective at duple rhythms, but just hit a snag when it comes to tuplet based rhythms.
If I enter a lyric (sticking on a tuplet) then press tab, it selects the tuplet next as opposed to the notehead. If I want to select the notehead via tab, I have to hit tab 2x instead of once. I would rather it cycle to the notehead next as opposed to the tuplet to avoid having to have 2 sets of folder for macros involved stickings for rhythms with tuplets vs rhythms without them.
I’m afraid there’s no way to influence the order Dorico uses when you hit Tab.