tablature font size prebend & grace note

It would be great to have all smaller tab nbs (prebends, grace notes) an Engraving rules size entry. they are really too small for my taste at the moment.
also, in the bottom panel, it would be very useful to be allowed to set the size of those little nbs independently of the notation size.
for the moment they are linked in size


It is such a joy to work with those new guitar features. bravo !


I don’t know whether it helps at all, but Dorico uses the default grace note scale factor for these things: you could try changing the ‘Grace note scale factor’ on the Notes page of Engraving Options, though obviously this will affect grace notes on regular notation as well.

No this doesnt help as they are linked though my demand

This seems a real oversight to me Daniel. Is this something that might be changed in future? I can’t personally work with such a small font on the tab stave. It’s a shame - it’s about the only thing that is stopping me crossgrading. Is there any way that individual tab noes can be resized after the event so to speak?

And this is something that can be easily accomplished in Finale - my current software.

Actually it is very fast to use the filtering functions after the fact (or select more function), to select all grace notes, then apply whatever scale factor you want. And this for any item in Dorico… You could probably even build a macro for this.

Marc, the tab and notation grace notes are linked, even in Engrave Mode.

Argh… Ok, thanks for the info, Leo. Sorry, I didn’t mean to mislead you.

To close the loop on this: as I mentioned elsewhere in another thread, although the option was not included in Dorico 3.0.10 (because we tried to avoid needing a whole round of localisation for this minor bug fix update), we have already implemented an option to control the scale factor for grace notes on tablature as distinct from the notation staff, and this option will be included in a future Dorico 3.x update.

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