Tempo alignment across system breaks

I feel like I’ve been spamming the heck out of this forum so I apologize in advance, but I found another issue for which I might once again be missing a very obvious solution. I haven’t found a previous post on this… This one has to do with the horizontal alignment of tempo markings. When doing parts layout I found that a gradual tempo change with a continuation line that runs into a new tempo (e.g. “rit…Largo”), doesn’t align with that new tempo when there is a system break somewhere along the line. However, when I force both markings to be in the same system, they align perfectly. The gif below is from a project I created from scratch for this purpose:

Is there a way to get the dotted line and the new tempo mark to align automatically when the dotted line extends to a new system? Thanks in advance!

Hi @Zalde, I cannot confirm this.

You are showing the Engrave mode (where you edit things graphically and not their real rhythmical position etc.). First of all, to be sure, in Engrave mode select the continuation line (the part near the Largo, if it is splitted) and choose menu Edit → Reset Position.

Then make sure that, in Write mode (where you can position items in their real rhythmical position) , the continuation line ends exactly where the Largo begins (using the shortcuts Shift+Alt+ left/right arrows).

If this doesn’t help, please share a Dorico file with that example.

Hi @Christian_R, thanks for your reply! This happens to me in every project I’ve created so far. I made the gif with a new blank project and I made no manual changes to the positions. Nevertheless I tried resetting the positions as you suggested, but that didn’t change anything. The continuation line ends where the Largo begins (you can see it very briefly in the gif as well). I guess that’s why they do align properly when they are on the same system.

I’ve created a new file from scratch with some random notes (as I didn’t save the one from the gif) and the same behavior occurs, see attachment.

Untitled Project 2.dorico (619.3 KB)

Media1 (1)

Sorry @Zalde , I again cannot confirm this behaviour. I tried on your file, and the continuation line is always aligned with the Largo, despite creating and deleting several System Breaks. I am out of ideas.

CleanShot 2024-09-25 at 15.54.28

But at least, please open your properties panel and see, if selecting any item (the rit., the continuation line, the Largo) the properties panel shows any active Start offset override:

That’s really weird… When I select any item, there are no Start offset overrides. I checked that as well:

Maybe I messed something up in the general program settings then? I’ll go through those one by one to see if I can find anything. Thanks for your help!!

Edit: For what it’s worth, I did find out that the Y value of the dotted line is off by exactly 1 point after the system break, in all my projects. There is no override but if I override it myself and set it to 1 point, the dotted line aligns with the tempo mark again.

To make this diagnosis easy you can use the Library Manager and compare your project to the Factory Settings.

I can confirm the problem reported in the original post of this topic. @Christian_R , I wonder if this might only be a problem on Windows and not on macOS.

@johnkprice I am indeed on Windows as well. I was about to do a total factory reset of all settings I could possibly find but I’m pretty sure this already happened in one of the first practice projects I did with the Udemy videos. I made practically zero changes to any settings at that point.

It happens to me also on Windows.

I’ve done a factory reset of the program Preferences and all the options under the Library menu (Engraving, Layout, Notation, Note Input and even the Play Options). I started a new project and did the same thing, and the problem persists:


Unless I’m missing something, this cannot be caused by my settings since everything is back to factory. Would be great if any of the developers would like to chip in!

I know the developers must be really busy with the huge amount of topics being posted here, but I am wondering what I should do next. I’m not looking forward to having to adjust this in every part in every project. This appears to be a bug of some sort in the Windows version. Either that or John, Janus and me are all doing something wrong, but since I’m the only newbie here that doesn’t seem very likely. As this is not a question of the “I can’t find the slur button” type, please forgive me @dspreadbury for tagging you but the topic had disappeared already.

Is this intended behavior? Or is it caused by a setting that is somehow not affected by a factory reset of preferences and the settings under the Library menu? Or… a bug? Thanks in advance!

It looks like a bug to me. The handles for the line on the second system are drawing in the right place, but the line itself is offset vertically. I’ll investigate and see if I can figure out what’s going on.


Awesome, thanks a lot!