Tempo Equations? Are they on the roadmap?

First off, let me thank you developers from the bottom of my heart for the Absolute tempo changes that synergize with the Tempo Track. It’s a real pleasure to work with.

But what about tempo equations? Those were in the old score editor. ( eighth = eighth, or quarter = dotted quarter)

Will we have these back at some point?

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I’ve added that as a Feature Request. For the moment though the easiest way might be to look at MusGlyphs, which is very powerful: MusGlyphs - Notation Central (see also MusGlyphs: Bravura for writing in time signatures and other glyphs)

It is also possible to paste individual notehead characters from Bravura Text (eg from Character Map on Windows), however, the kerning isn’t great:


Thank you for the swift answer!

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Yeah using MusGlyphs, type q=h and get this: