Tempo Marking Border

Hi. I would like to create a have circle (oval) border on the top of tempo marking text. If anyone knows a way to do this, please let me know! Please click on the link to see the border I am referring. Thank you!
Half Oval Parenthesis Tempo Markings|220x40

Hello Jeffrey,
welcome to the forum.
You can’t have a tempo mark with an oval border, but you can use System Text instead and choose one of the available borders for it.
Shift-Alt-X, then type (and format) your tempo marking text, exit by clicking outside the text field. Now select your System Text, open the bottom panel with the Properties and select a Border and a Border style:

If you need a tempo marking (for playback) you can add a metronome mark at the same location:

and make it invisible:

Another example:

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Some of the “jazz handwriting” text fonts do have characters that you can use to assemble the sides of these open boxes: you’ll have to see if you can find instructions for which characters do what, or just browse the glyphs.

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