Temporary closure of the Steinberg online shop

Dear users,

Please use this topic to discuss any open questions regarding the announcement made on the temporary closure of the online shop. Note that other threads started will be closed.

Thank you!

Your Steinberg Team


The FAQ says that “All products already purchased from the Steinberg online shop will be unaffected…”

To be clear, are Download Access Codes for upgrades that haven’t yet been redeemed remain valid ?

Yes, if you have your Download Access Codes in hand, they can be used as normal at any time.


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully this gets resolved soon and thoughts go to the staff affected.
Any indication if this could be months rather than weeks? Or is it a total unknown right now?


We are working to get the shop reopened as quickly as possible, but at this stage it’s best not to speculate as to how long this will take.


100% - no matter how fustrating it is for SB and their customers, it’s far more unpleasant for Asknet staff.


and related companies I presume


^^^ very interesting link !


The whole asknet solution (buy from Steinberg but hey it’s not actually Steinberg and you need a different account etc) was very confusing for me when I got into the Steinberg ecosystem.

And judging by quite a number of posts on this forum, not only for me.

How assuring to see the news. Should we worry about our cards?

Isn’t it about time for Steinberg to solve this in a professional manner and have their own online shop?


Relatively few companies of Steinberg’s size and scale manage their own online shops from end to end, because the complexities of selling worldwide, with hundreds of different tax regimes etc., are really pretty significant.

Asknet has been a good partner for Steinberg over the years and we hope to have a similarly fruitful partnership with a new provider.


no, well no more than usual !

I always found Asknet totally professional in regard to all my SB transactions


FTC article is from april 17th…


What are you guys going to do? More Thomann an the rest of retailers, for the time being? Are they flexible enough to stock most products in a hurry?

Hang on tight, my best wishes for a quick resolution. How stressful is all this…


I didn’t say asknet was unprofessional.
I said that buying from a different site, which required a different account from your Steinberg ID, is confusing and unprofessional.

I buy a lot of software online (as everyone else here), some of it very expensive, and I haven’t encountered this particular solution that Steinberg had.

Of course, nobody really runs their online shop by themselves, but no matter the real provider, it should be integrated transparently into the user experience.


All of our products that are available through our authorized resellers continue to be available as normal. Products that are sold only through our online shop (such as updates and upgrades, and some of our VST instruments and sound packs) will be unavailable while the shop is closed, but obviously it is our highest priority to get the shop open again so that we can continue our normal business and get our pipeline of upcoming products launched.


It was certainly not ideal that customers had to have a separate user account for our online shop, and it is something that we were working with Asknet to address. Obviously that is now moot, but we anticipate that things will be different with a new provider.


Shopware could be an option looking into as it is a very professional German company with custom solutions.

Those are the products I had in mind, I was thinking if Steinberg could temporarily waive exclusivity on those and pass them on to the network of retailers, or if it would be faster to just set up a new e-shop under another provider.

Thanks for the suggestion. We are already making good progress, but we also may choose to have multiple partners in future to provide some protection against this kind of eventuality, however unlikely.


There is a FAQ here:

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