Hello everyone,
To write the text Divisi per i strings in the score (as in the attached example) do you simply use the shift+X function or is there another way?
Thank you
Hello everyone,
To write the text Divisi per i strings in the score (as in the attached example) do you simply use the shift+X function or is there another way?
Thank you
You deliberately decide not to use the divisi feature included in Dorico?
Then ok, you can use staff text.
I actually don’t know the dedicated function in Dorico to insert Divisi, that’s why I asked
So is there a special function to do this? Which?
For these simple cases, I often just use chords like this, or 2 voices with separate stems, with Shift-X staff text. Dorico’s divisi feature is great, but not always necessary.
Click on the link (to the user guide )
I have keyboard shortcuts for that, so I don’t remember how you’re supposed to do it when you don’t. Probably right-clicking>Staff>Create divisi at the start and right-click>Staff>Restore unison at the end of the divisi section should work!
There must be some YouTube video about that feature…
I saw it in the manual, but I still don’t understand well
It’s taking me time to learn it, but you set up the divisi by clicking on any item on the violin part and going to edit menu>notation>staff>change divisi.
You’ll see a blue rectangle that says divisi. Right click on it and a window opens up. You can set the solo and/or sections you need there.
I did it this way, but it divides the instrument into 2 staves and the word Divisi doesn’t appear. I apologize, but I’m learning Dorico and I’m not very familiar with it yet. Coming from years of using other notation software (like Finale and Sibelius) I’m used to doing it another way
Thank you.
I’ll try to watch some videos on YouTube and understand how it’s done
No problem. You can create divisi, then use condensing to get it into one staff. But you will have the opportunity to offer different parts to your violin I desks, so that they only have their notes, if you want.
Once the condensing is on, the div. marking will appear on the full score. Write your music in galley view (especially if condensing is turned on!), and check it out in page view once every note has been entered.
No worries. Even though I’ve been using it since 2020, I still feel a rookie and am slow to learn all its features.
Just glad we have this forum and support staff to help us.
Thanks everyone for the replies
I don’t use Dorico’s divisi feature very often, unless I know I’m going to be doing a very long amount of divisi and/or a complex division where it makes sense. However sometimes you just want to divide a single measure, for which going back and forth between Divisi staves is tedious and IMHO adds an unnecessary layer of complexity.
For this task to OP’s question, yes I use staff text but I have combined it with a Streamdeck macro for both div. and unis. where it types them out automatically with a certain formatting I prefer. I just select the first note I wish to div. and hit the button and it adds it almost instantaneously
And I will make it more clear by selecting all the notes: filter bottom > add to downstem voice.
Reading the manual a bit and the same reasoning I was doing.
What is this text function that you use that gets you done quickly?
Streamdeck is an external hardware peripheral which allows you to create any kind of macros for software you want and assign it to buttons.
Sorry it’s not a nice picture, it’s dim in my room right now, but you can see on the right-hand column I have ‘div.’ and ‘unis.’
And here is a quick example of how I mean I would use it especially in a simple context like this where I simply want to divide two voices of one measure and then back. So first I will separate my voices into separate stems (though not necessary, I just like to for clarity). Then I hit my buttons where I want them placed!
You can see I also have a few which I haven’t made nice icons for yet but they’re similar staff text: gli altri, solo, and tutti. Other helpful division words I use with strings often but prefer to keep on one staff again unless I’m doing a really complex division.
FYI you can do the same as my macro above with an app. If you’re on a Mac there’s Keyboard Maestro, and on PC there’s Auto HotKeys. So you can assign a keyboard shortcut to do the same exact thing, I just like buttons
Thank you
as mentioned, if it is only a small passage like the one in your thread, you might just add the text div. with shift-x. Another simple way is to create a Playing Technique with div. as text. And as you are at it also create the same with unis.
Additionally, put the parts into different voices.
The third feature, built into Dorico, as also described above is useful for more complex divisi passages.
Effective for simple cases, indeed.
But wouldn’t it be better to enter Divisi and Unis. as a technical indication rather than a simple text?
That’s what @k_b said. Whether to add these indications as staff-text or a playing technique is up to the user.
Oups. I had missed this phrase from @k_b. Tut mir leid.