Text Fonts not changing with music font

Hi all, I’ve created a few templates, mainly using the handwritten fonts, and I’m finding that sometimes if I change the music font, some of the text in the score does not seem to follow. Some does.

Usually it seems the things that don’t change are paragraph sytles I’ve either edited or created. Is this just how Dorico works, or have I done something to mess up the font integration?


Dorico’s Paragraph Styles have “Parent” styles, so when the Parent changes, the “child” changes as well – except for all the things that are specifically set with blue switches.

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Thanks Ben, that was indeed it. I’d created a couple of paragraph styles that had either no parent style, or I’d manually changed the font, or both.

Next thought: I have a couple of them set up with black outline boxes surrounding the text. I assume there is no way to get the borders of the box adjusted nicely for each font; that would need to be a manual process based on the font particulars? Seems to be the case for me, anyway.

Fraid so: every font has its own bounding box and metrics. That’s the nature of fonts.


Gotcha, thx Ben :slight_smile:


Certainly, the JSON file associated with the font you select is or was not configured to change to the text font.