Text formatting Player Names. Feature request, or way around it?

So, I’d like to name the PLAYER - Percussion 1, Snare, Triangle, Sus. Cymbal

I’d like the formatting on the Full Score Stave to look like this (from Sibelius)


What is the best way to accomplish this? I see that INSTRUMENT NAMES has flexibility, but then it kind of confuses things with the look of the different instruments in galley view and whatnot.

Any suggestions?

Is adding the ability to format PLAYER NAMES something that’s being considered? Or is there a way to do that already?

Thanks all!

I don’t see this answering my question. I know that you can change any stave to player name, but as far as I can tell, there’s no way to open up a text dialog to give formatting options such as line breaks, underlining, font sizes, etc, for PLAYER NAME. Is there a way to format the player name?

Sorry - skipped the “format” bit. I’m in the middle of my first morning coffee.

You can use an external text editor, copy and paste to the player’s name field (or use the “other” field in the Information window to add a line break, cut and paste)

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I almost suggested that but my record this morning has been suboptimal.

That allows for a line break, but does not add an Underline or Italicize the lower line of the text.

Appreciate you guys chiming in. Seems like something that should be added.